Flex Move Transaction

Flex Move transaction comprises of these screens:

Report Move screen

Use this screen to specify the balance ID data that is used as filter when validating sublots in the Sublot details screen, display balance ID data after sublots are added in the Sublot details screen, specify To Balance ID data and trigger move.

Report Move screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Action to report

0: None (validation only)

1: Move.

When set to 0, you can scan and validate sublots but cannot perform move.

0 1
Auto confirm input field data

1: From Location

2: To Location

3: To Container

4: Packaging (To Container)

A: No. Require confirmation by scanning/specifying data.

B: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically.

C: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is not Blank.

D: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is Blank.

Note: If no value is suggested for a mandatory field, the user must scan a value regardless of the parameter configuration.
1=C;3=B 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A
Auto trigger next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes.

1 0
Container management method

0: No container

1: Container method 1 (also 2--6 included).

2: Container method 7 (packages in stock).

You must set one container method to support. All sublots must be connected to items with the same container method as set in this parameter.

Note: When this parameter is set to container method 1, the items with methods 2-6 can also be included.
1 7
Default data for input field Warehouse


Any warehouse

*USER (warehouse from User settings).

*BLANK (blank)


I: Set as Info field.

If ”I” is added to a fixed warehouse or *USER in the format ”X;I” or ”*USER;I”, this input field is set as info field where the user cannot change the value and browse is not available.

When set to "*BLANK", no warehouse is defaulted. Warehouse input field must be confirmed before adding the sublots. Warehouse

If “Warehouse” is not set in the Sequence of input fields parameter:

  • The value set in this parameter is still applicable.
  • Setting *BLANK is not applicable. If set to *BLANK, it reverts back to the default *USER.
001 or *USER or 001;I or *USER;I or *Blank *USER
Enable option to list balance identities



If set to 1 and at least one of input fields Location, item, Lot, or Container is confirmed (with data <> blank):

Function button BAL ID is available that will open List Balance ID screen of transaction Stock Enquiry.

Already confirmed input fields (Location, item, Lot, Container) are used as filters when listing the balance identities

A specific Stock Enquiry transaction profile is set by using format ”1;PROFILE ID”. If no profile is set it will use the default profile.

To list sublots after selecting a balance ID: Set a specific Stock Enquiry profile to be opened when using function button Bal ID and set parm “Action when pressing Select” = Sublots in that Stock Enquiry profile.


Enable option to move sublots from multiple balance IDs

0:No. Must be same item/location/lot/container

1: Yes. Any item/location/lot/container

2: Yes. If same item (any location/lot/container)

3: Yes. If same item and lot (any location/container)

3 1
Enable option to report sublots

0 : No

1: Yes. Manual (function option)

2:Yes. Auto (when select Quantity) + Manual (function option)

3:Yes. Auto (when confirm Quantity + Manual (function option).

Screens to display

A: Sublot screen

B: Sublot Details screen

Set in format “N” or “N;X” where N = 0, 1, 2 or 3 and X = A or B.

When set in format “N”, it works as “N;A”.

When N is set to 1,2 or 3:

  • The SUBLOTS function is available for input field Quantity to display the Sublots or Sublot Details screen.
  • Input field Quantity is not manually confirmed. The field is auto confirmed with the no of sublots captured in the sublots screen.

When N is set to 2, the Sublots function is automatically triggered when the Quantity input field is highlighted. This is applicable only if Quantity is yet to be confirmed.

When set to 3, the Sublots function is automatically triggered when quantity is specified in the Quantity input field.

If the Sublots screen is triggered automatically after input of a value in the Quantity input field (setting “3”), the remaining and suggested quantity in the Sublots and Sublot Details screen are displayed based on the input value.

When X=A, the Sublots screen is displayed where sublots are added without any validation. When you click Done, the validation is done and if any errors occur, the Sublot Details screen is displayed. If no errors occur either screen Sublot details or Report Move screen is displayed depending on settings in the Sublot screen.

When X=B, the Sublot Details screen is displayed where sublots are added with direct validation. When you click Done, the Report Move screen is displayed.

This parameter is only applicable for sublot controlled items.

1 or 3;B 3
Mandatory input fields
1: To Container
Note: The input fields are always mandatory when displayed:
  • To Location
  • Packaging
1 Blank (not mandatory)
Mandatory input fields - Before sublot input

1: From Location

2: Item

3: Lot

4: Container
Note: Warehouse input field is always mandatory before sublot input when displayed.

Fields set in this parameter must be confirmed before displaying the Sublot or Sublot details screen.

When added sublots are validated in the Sublot details screen, the sublots that does not match the filter data (Loc/Item/Lot/Cont) from the Report Move screen displays an error message and must be removed

1;3 Blank (not mandatory)
Package in stock label print

0. No print

1. Manual print (function button)

2. Prompt to print after move (if package in stock was updated)

3. Prompt to print after move (if package in stock was created)

A. Always

B. If no errors

Set in format “N” or “N=X;N=X…” where N = 1, 2 or 3 and X = A or B

If set in format “N” it works as “N=A”.

If set to 1:

Function button Print Pkg is available if To Container input field is suggested or confirmed with an existing package in stock (packaging set as info field) that opens Print Package In Stock Label screen to print label for current package in stock.

If set to 2:

After move was reported the print package in stock label screen displays if move was done to a new or existing package in stock.

If set to 3:

After move was reported the print package in stock label screen displays if move was done to a new package in stock.

If X=A

Print package in stock label screen always displays after move regardless if move returned any errors or not

If X=B

Print package in stock label screen displays only after move if move was done without any errors

Function button Print Pkg and Print package in stock label screen displays only if parameter Container management method is set to 7

1;2=A or 3=B or 1

Populate scan field with suggested data

1: From Location

2: To Location

3: To Container

4: Packaging (To Container)

1;3 Blank
Remember input field data

1: From Warehouse

2: From Location

3: Item

4: Lot

5: Container

6: To Location

7: To Container

8: Packaging (To Container)

A: Yes. Until exit transaction. Auto confirm.

C: Yes. Until exit transaction. No auto confirm.

For parameter options A and C, the data is remembered until user exits the Flex Move transaction.

1=A;2=C;4=A Blank (nothing remembered)
Screen to display after report


1. No errors

2. Error


A. Report Move (refresh screen)

B. Sublot Move Result

Note: If set to A (report move): Parameter “Remember input field data” controls what input field data is remembered
1=B;2=A 1=A;2=B
Sequence of input fields

Input/Info fields

1: Warehouse

2: From Location

3: Item

4: Lot

5: Container

6: Quantity

Info fields

7: Catch Wt

Input fields

8: To Location

9: To Container

10: To Packaging (To Container)

The From Location, Item, Lot and/or Container fields work as filters when validating sublots if these fields are displayed before adding sublots.

The From Location, Item, Lot and Container fields work as info fields when sublots are added. These fields display information from the added sublots. If not the same data for all added sublots, then data is displayed as “*MULTI*”.

Quantity and Catch Wt fields display the total no of sublots and the total catch weight when sublots have been added.

Warehouse field must be confirmed before item can be confirmed and before sublots can be added.

Warehouse field work as info fields when:
  • Sublots have been added
  • Item is confirmed.
1;4;2;3 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10
Suggest data for input field From Location

Any location

LOC01 Blank
Suggest data for input field Packaging

Any packaging

PAL Blank
Suggest data for input field To Container

Any container


Note: *AUTO* is applicable only for container method 7. For container method 1-6, the suggested value remains blank if this parameter is set to *AUTO*.
*AUTO* Blank
Suggest data for input field To Location

Any location

LOC02 Blank
Verify input field suggested data

1: From Location

2: To Location

3: To Container

4: Packaging (To Container)

A. No. No check if match

B. Yes. Warn if not match

C. Yes. Warn if value higher

D. Yes. Warn if value lower

E. Yes. Error if not match

F. Yes. Error if value higher

G. Yes. Error if value lower

H. Yes. Error if value lower, warn if value higher

I. Yes. Error if value higher, warn if value lower

Note: If suggested data is blank, then all work like A.
1=B;2=B 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A
Warehouse browse - Warehouses to include

Any warehouse (multiple or range) or

Warehouse group (format *GRP=X where X=warehouse group in MMS009)

Note: If this parameter is selected, only the values that are specified in this parameter are allowed.

AB1;DF7;WH3-WH9;Z01 or



(all warehouses are included)

Sublots screen

Use this screen to add sublots to be reported.

Sublots screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto trigger complete


1: Remaining > 0 after add

2: Remaining = 0 after add

3: Remaining < 0 after add


A. No

  • No message
  • No sound

B. No. Display count complete

  • Complete message
  • Complete sound

If set to A or B, the user must click Done to leave the sublots screen when finished adding sublots.

This parameter defaults to “1=A;2=A;3=A” if suggested quantity is blank.

1=A;2=B;3=A 1=A;2=B;3=B
Enable option to add more than suggested

0: No

1: Yes. Always

2: Yes. Display warning for the first time.

3: Yes. Display warning every time.

If set to 0, it is not possible to add more than suggested quantity.

If set to 1,2 or 3, it is possible to add more than suggested quantity.

If set to 2, a warning is displayed if add more than suggested quantity. Warning is only displayed if the first time quantity is more than suggested.

If set to 3, a warning is displayed if add more than suggested quantity. Warning is displayed every time quantity is updated and is more than suggested.

This parameter defaults to “1” if suggested quantity is blank

0 1
Enable option to ignore duplicate sublots



If set to 0:

* Duplicate sublot will be added to the list and will have an *ERROR* indicator beside it

If set to 1:

• If scanned sublot is a duplicate of a valid sublot it will not be added to the list. No message is displayed and no error sound is played.

1 0
Enable option to toggle add/remove

0: No

1: Yes.

If set to 1, REMOVE function is displayed that changes to Remove mode where sublots can be removed from the list. Remove mode function ADD is displayed that changes back to Add mode where sublots are added.

0 1
Screen to display after Done

1: Sublot details screen

2: Report Move screen (Sublot details screen if any errors).

When set to 1, all added sublots are validated after DONE. The sublot details screen is displayed with balance ID details for each added sublot. Sublots with errors are displayed in the top of the list and must be removed before moving to the Report Move screen.

When set to 2, all added sublots are validated after DONE. The Report Move screen is displayed if all the added sublots are correctly validated. If any sublot displays error, the Sublot Details screen is displayed with balance ID details for each added sublot. Sublots with errors are displayed in the top of the list and must be removed before moving to the Report Move screen.

1 2
Task area layout

1: Add

2: Remove.

A: Remain (unit) + Total Qty

B: Total Qty (unit) + Remain

C: Total (unit)

D: Remain (unit)

E: Total Qty/Suggested (unit)

If Sublots screen is triggered automatically after input of a value in the Quantity input field, then Remaining and Suggested quantity is based on the input value instead of remaining for the line.

When set to A,B,D or E and suggested is blank, the value is defaulted to C.

Unit is displayed only if item is confirmed in the Report Move screen before sublot screen is triggered.

1=B;2=C 1=E;2=E

Sublot Details screen

Use this screen to display details for sublots after adding in the Sublots screen, display errors for sublots after adding in the Sublots screen and add sublots that is to be reported (with validation).

Sublot Details screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto trigger complete


1: Remaining > 0 after add

2: Remaining = 0 after add

3: Remaining < 0 after add


A. No

  • No message
  • No sound
  • No trigger of Done

B. No. Display count complete

  • Complete message
  • Complete sound
  • No trigger of Done

If set to A or B, the user must click Done to leave the sublots screen when finished adding sublots.

This parameter defaults to “1=A;2=A;3=A” if suggested quantity is blank.

1=A;2=B;3=A 1=A;2=B;3=B
Enable option to add more than suggested

0: No

1: Yes. Always

2: Yes. Display warning for the first time.

3: Yes. Display warning every time.

If set to 0, it is not possible to add more than suggested quantity.

If set to 1,2 or 3, it is possible to add more than suggested quantity.

If set to 2, a warning is displayed if add more than suggested quantity. Warning is only displayed if the first time quantity is more than suggested.

If set to 3, a warning is displayed if add more than suggested quantity. Warning is displayed every time quantity is updated and is more than suggested.

This parameter defaults to “1” if suggested quantity is blank

0 1
Enable option to add sublots

0: No

1: Yes (Add only, no filter).

2: Yes (Filter first, add if no match).

When set to 0:
  • Not possible to add sublots
  • Scan to filter list by Sublot, Location, Item, Lot or Container.
When set to 1:
  • Possible to add sublot
  • No option to filter list
When set to 2:
  • Possible to add sublot
  • Scan to filter list by Sublot, Location, Item, Lot or Container.
  • Scan option filters first and if no match then continue to check if scanned data is a sublot that can be added.
Note: This parameter is not applicable for Remove mode.
0 2
Enable option to ignore duplicate sublots



If set to 0:

* Duplicate sublot will be added to the list and will have an *ERROR* indicator beside it

If set to 1:

• If scanned sublot is a duplicate of a valid sublot it will not be added to the list. No message is displayed and no error sound is played.

• If scanned sublot is a duplicate of an invalid sublot (error or warning status) it will not be added to the list. The warning/error message of the invalid sublot is displayed and error sound is played.

1 0
Enable option to toggle add/remove

0: No

1: Yes.

If set to 1, REMOVE function is displayed that changes to Remove mode where sublots can be removed from the list. Remove mode function ADD is displayed that changes back to Add mode where sublots are added.

0 1
Sorting order

Set the fields to sort by this format N=X where N = field number and X = either A for ascending or D for descending.


A: Ascending

D: Descending



1. Sublot (BANT)

2. Item (ITNO)

3. Location (WHSL)

4. Lot (BANO)

5. Container (CAMU)

6. Sequence (First added=1)

7. Error (0=No, 1=Yes)

8. Catch Wt (CAWE)

9. Item name (ITDS)

10. Basic unit (UNMS)

11. CW unit (CWUN)

12. Warning (0=No, 1=Yes)

Note: New sublots are always added to the top of the list after scan.
3=D;2=A;4=D 7=D;6=D

(List the sublots in the order they are added. Sublots with errors first in the list.)

Task area layout

1: Add

2: Remove

A: Remain (unit) + Total Qty

B: Total Qty (unit) + Remain

C: Total (unit)

D: Remain (unit)

E: Total Qty/Suggested (unit)

F: Total Qty (unit) + Catch Wt (CW unit)

G: Total Qty/Suggested (unit) + Catch Wt (CW unit).

If Sublots screen is triggered automatically after input of a value in the Quantity input field, then Remaining and Suggested quantity is based on the input value.

When set to A,B,D or E and suggested is blank, this setting works like C.

When set to G, if the suggested quantity is blank, this setting works like F.

Note: It is not mandatory to display Catch Wt for CW items since CW is not scanned for sublots in this transaction. For non catch weight items, the catch weight is displayed as blank.
1=G;2=C 1=E;2=E

Sublot Move Result

Use this screen to display sublot details of moved and errored sublots after move.

Sublot Move Result Parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Sorting order

Set field to sort by in the format N=X where N = field number and X = either A for ascending or D for descending.


A. Ascending

D. Descending


  1. Sublot (BANT)
  2. Item (ITNO)
  3. Location (WHSL)
  4. Lot (BANO)
  5. Container (CAMU)
  6. Sequence (First added=1)
  7. Error (0=No, 1=Yes)
  8. Catch Wt (CAWE)
  9. Item name (ITDS)
  10. Basic unit (UNMS)
  11. CW unit (CWUN)
3=D;2=A;4=D 7=D;6=D(List sublots in the order they were added. Sublots with errors first in the list.)
Lists to display

1. All sublots (Errors + Moved)

2. Sublots with error (not moved)

3. Moved sublots

Set the lists that must be available to display. The first list in the sequence will be the default when screen is first displayed. Other lists are available via function button.

2;3 1;2;3

Print Package in Stock Label screen

This screen prints the package in stock label.

Print Package in Stock Label screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Package label print profile

Any profile

This controls the PRINT PACKAGE LABEL transaction profile to use when PRINT PACKAGE LABEL transaction is triggered manually or automatically. If no profile ID is set it uses the default profile ”PRINT PACKAGE LABEL”.


Default profile ”PRINT PACKAGE LABEL”