Using the Update Shipment Screen

Use this screen to update shipment by connecting to a loading platform, disconnect from load platform, open a shipment, close a shipment, report all pick lists in a shipment or print all shipment documents.

  1. Specify or review this information:
    The departure date and time of the shipment are displayed.
    The route taken by the shipment is displayed.
    Loaded Pkgs
    The number of loaded shipment packages are displayed.
    Loaded Lines
    The line number displayed is the number at which the shipment packages are loaded.
    The status of the shipment is displayed.
    Ready for Load
    The status of the shipment if it is ready to load is displayed.
    Loading Door
    The gate number displayed is the place where the shipment packages are loaded.
    • Connect: Connect the shipment to the load platform. This field is unavailable if the shipment is ready to load. If the shipment is connected successfully, the Shipment N connected to door X message is displayed. Refresh the screen if it fails to connect. N= Current Shipment
    • Disconnect: Disconnect the shipment from the load platform. This field is unavailable if the shipment is not ready to load. If the shipment is disconnected successfully, the Shipment N disconnected from door X message is displayed. N= Current Shipment
    • Open Shipment: This field is unavailable if the shipment is already open. If the shipment is opened successfully, the Shipment N opened message is displayed. N= Current Shipment.
    • Close shipment: This field is unavailable if the shipment is already closed. If the shipment is partially loaded and allowed to split, the Shipment N was split. Loaded goods transferred to new shipment M message is displayed. N= Old Shipment; M= New Shipment.

      If the shipment is fully loaded, the Shipment N closed message is displayed. N= Current Shipment.

    • Report: Select this field to report all the pick lists. If the report is successful, the Shipment N pick lists reported message is displayed. N= Current Shipment
    • Print documents: Select this field to print all the shipment delivery documents. If successful, the Shipment N documents printed message is displayed. N= Current Shipment
    Note: You can select only one action in the Actions field.
  2. Click Next to update the shipment. Depending on the parameter settings, the update can be reported automatically when you confirm the values in all the required fields. After the update is reported, the List Shipments screen is displayed. If there are no shipments matching the search criteria, then Search Shipments screen is displayed.