Balance ID search (Issue) - Sorting order

A maximum of 10 fields can be set in the format N=X; N=X etc.

N= field number and X= either A for ascending or D for descending.


  • A: Ascending
  • D: Descending



1: Item number (ITNO)

2: Item name (ITDS)

3: Location (WHSL)

4: Lot number (BANO)

5: Container (CAMU)

6: Lot reference 1 (BREF)

7: Lot reference 2 (BRE2)

8: Remark (BREM)

9: Status - balance ID (STAS)

10: Allocatable (ALOC)

11: Stock zone (SLTP)

12: Location type (WHLT)

13: On-hand balance approved (STQT)

14: Movable net 1 (MVB1)

15: Movable net 2 (MVB2)

16: Allocated quantity - basic U/M (ALQT)

17: Basic unit of measure (UNMS)

18: Catch weight (CAW2)

19: Priority date (PRDT)

20: Last receipt date (IDDT)

21: Last issue date (ODDT)

22: Latest physical inventory date (INDT)

23: Physical inventory in progress (INON)

24: Reclassification date (RCLS)

25: Status item (STAT)

26: Receiving number (REPN)

27: Attribute 1 (Attr 1)

28: Attribute 2 (Attr 2)

29: Attribute 3 (Attr 3)

30: Attribute 4 (Attr 4)

31: Attribute 5 (Attr 5)