Constructs and returns one or more messages using MsgAppSp.

At run time, the system evaluates the message ID argument (msgID below) and then each parameter argument. The system then passes these values to the MsgAppSp stored procedure in the current application database.

MsgAppSp uses the message ID and current language ID of the session where the event handler is running to look up the message text (as defined on the Maintain Application Message Objects form). The system then replaces the value of each substitution parameter marker in the message text with the value of each parameter in consecutive order.

Return Value



MESSAGE( msgID [, msgParam1, msgParam2, ...] )


  • msgID is a message identifier containing the object name.

    To find the message object name, open the Maintain Application Message Objects form, and from the Message Class drop-down list, select Base Messages.

    If the message object name you want does not appear on the list, you can use the system filtering capabilities for drop-down lists to locate the name. An alternate and less highly recommended method would be to increase the drop-down list cap for your system.

  • msgParam# are the parameters required to construct the message.

    The required message parameters can also be identified using the Maintain Application Message Objects form. Once you have selected the Object Name, locate the Message Text column. In the Message Text field, the parameters are identified by an ampersand (&) followed by a number or letter, for example &5 or &C. Each parameter is replaced by one value.