Packing Transactions

This section includes these transactions:

Packing By Order

Use the Packing by Order transaction to pack items for an order before releasing the outbound or confirming picking. There are two ways that you can pack items using this transaction:

  • Using pre-packed items:

    Use this packing method if the items on the order line are already packed in a container structure that meets the shipping requirements. You can confirm that the container structure is correct, or, if there are problems with the container structure, you can break it up and rebuild the structure manually.

  • Packing items without a pre-defined structure

    Use this packing method if the items on the order line do not need to match a specific container structure. Using your own discretion, you can create any container structure that is appropriate for the situation.

You may need to use multiple packing methods for an order.

See Packing Items by Order.

Packing By Shipment

Use the Packing by Shipment transaction to pack items for a shipment. There are three ways that you can pack items using this transaction:

  • Using pre-packed items:

    Use this packing method if the items on the shipping line are already packed in a container structure that meets the shipping requirements. You can confirm that the container structure is correct, or, if there are problems with the container structure, you can break it up and rebuild the structure manually.

  • Packing items using a pre-defined structure:

    Use this packing method if the items on the shipping line must be packed in a pre-defined container structure that does not match the current structure of the picked items. You can create a container structure for the items that meets the shipping requirements.

  • Packing items without a pre-defined structure:

    Use this packing method if the items on the shipping line do not need to match a specific container structure. Using your own discretion, you can create any container structure that is appropriate for the situation.

You may need to use multiple packing methods for a shipment.

See Packing Items by Shipment.


Use the Repacking transaction to modify the container structure of a package. You can use this transaction to perform these actions:

  • add a package to another package
  • remove a package from another package
  • unpack a package

See Repacking Items.


Use the Sealing transaction to seal packages. After sealing a package, you can also choose to freeze shipment lines associated with that package.

See Sealing Packages.


Use the Loading transaction to load packages. You can only load sealed packages that are associated with a shipment.

See Loading Packages.

Packing Inquiry

Use the Packing Inquiry transaction to view the packaging structure for a shipment or order.

See Viewing Packages.

Asset Tag

Use the Asset Tag transaction to add an Asset Tag to a Handling Unit.

See Adding an Asset Tag to a Shipping Handling Unit.