Viewing Packages (Packing Inquiry)

Use the Packing Inquiry transaction to view the packaging structure for a shipment or order.

Packing Inquiry is a transaction belonging to the Packing Sub-Menu on the Warehouse Mobility icon based and list based menus.

On the Packing Sub-Menu:

  1. Select Packing Inquiry.
  2. Specify some or all of this information:
    Handling Unit
    Optionally, scan a handling unit associated with the shipment or order.
    Optionally, scan a shipment number.
    Order Type
    Optionally, select an order type.
    Order Number
    Optionally, scan an order number.
  3. Select Next. Using the information specified above, a search is performed to find associated shipment or order lines. This information is displayed for each line:
    • line status
    • line number
    • item number
    • item quantity
    • handling unit
    • packaging definition
  4. Optionally, if the package associated with a line contains child packages, select that line to view information for the child packages. This information is displayed for each child package:
    • line status
    • line number
    • item number
    • item quantity
    • handling unit
    • packaging definition