Viewing Inventory by Item (Item Inquiry)

Use the Item Inquiry transaction to view the inventory status of an item.

Item Inquiry is a transaction belonging to the Inventory Sub-Menu on the Warehouse Mobility icon based and list based menus.

On the Inventory Sub-Menu:

  1. Select Inquiries.
  2. Select Item Inquiry.
  3. Specify this information:
    Scan an item number.
    The unit of measure is displayed.
    From Whse
    Specify the warehouse where the item is located. Optionally, leave blank to list all warehouses.
    To Whse
    This value matches the warehouse in the FW field. Optionally, you can specify a different warehouse in the TW field to list results from both specified warehouses and from every warehouse in between them alphanumerically. For example, if you specify RAW AM in the FW field and RAW EM in the TW field, the results from RAW AM, RAW CM, and RAW EM will be listed.
    From Loc
    Scan the item location. Optionally, leave this field blank to list all locations.
    To Loc
    This value matches the warehouse in the From Loc field. Optionally, you can specify a different warehouse in the To Loc field to list results from both specified warehouses and from every warehouse in between them alphanumerically.
  4. Select Item Details. The item location, quantity on hand, allocated quantity, and free quantity are displayed.
  5. If you did not specify a warehouse or item location, you can select one and select Whse Details or Loc Details to view more details, such as quantities categorized by lot or date.
  6. Click Peg Details, to view the Peg Details form for the item. This button is displayed and enabled only if the item is pegged in the combined warehouse.
    The page displays these information:
    • Project
    • Element
    • Activity
    • Extension
    • Cost Component
    • Inventory Quantity associated with each peg item.