Receiving Customer Returns without an RMA (Customer Returns)

Use the Customer Returns transaction to receive items that customers have returned without an RMA.

Customer Returns is a transaction belonging to the Inbound Transactions Sub-Menu on the Warehouse Mobility icon based and list based menus.

On the Inbound Transactions Sub-Menu:

  1. Select Customer Returns.
  2. Specify this information:
    Specify the number of the customer who is returning items.
    New Order?
    To create new sales order for the return, specify Yes. To add the return to an existing order, specify No.
    Order Number
    Specify the order number to which to add the return. This field is only displayed if you are adding the return to an existing order.
  3. Select Next.
  4. Specify or review this information:
    Order Number
    If you are adding the return to an existing order, the order number is displayed. If you are creating a new order, this field is blank.
    Item Number
    Scan the item number.
    Lot Number
    If applicable, scan the lot number.
    Specify the quantity to return.
    Specify the receiving warehouse.
    If applicable, specify the location to which to receive the items.
    Generate Handling Unit
    If applicable, specify whether to create a handling unit for the returned items. This field is only enabled if your organization is using handling units, and the item is handling unit-controlled.
    Handling Unit
    Specify the handling unit into which to receive the returned items.
  5. Select Process. If the item is serial-controlled or needs to be assigned a lot number, the Serial/Lot Entry screen is displayed.

    On the Serial/Lot Entry screen, specify or review this information:

    Item number
    The item number and description are displayed.
    The warehouse is displayed.
    Quantity remaining
    The quantity that needs to be assigned serial or lot numbers is displayed.
    Generate Serials?
    To generate new serial numbers for the items, select Yes. To scan existing serial numbers, select No. This field is only displayed if the item is serial-controlled, it is possible to generate serial numbers for this transaction, and you have not scanned any serial numbers.
    All Serials?
    Select Yes to indicate that all serial numbers for this item at the current stock point are being used in the transaction. Selecting Yes in this field removes the need to individually scan each serial number. This field is only displayed if the item is serial-controlled and you are performing a transaction using all the items in a stock point.
    Lot Number
    If applicable, scan a lot number to assign to the item. This field is only available if the item is not serial-controlled and needs to be assigned a lot number. If the item is serial-controlled, the item lot number displays in this field after you scan the first serial number.
    Serial Number
    Scan a serial number. This field is only displayed if the item is serial-controlled, you are not generating new serial numbers, and you did not select Yes in the All Serials? field.
    Specify a quantity to assign to the specified lot number. This field is only available if the item is not serial-controlled and needs to be assigned a lot number.
  6. Select Process. The scanned serial number or lot number is processed. If there are additional serial numbers or lot numbers to scan, scan them. Optionally, press X to view serial or lot numbers that you have scanned. Optionally, press Y to reset all scanned serial or lot numbers, so you can re-scan them.
  7. If prompted, specify a putaway location in the Actual Location field.
  8. If applicable, print labels. If this transaction is configured to print labels, labels are automatically printed or the Label Printing screen is opened.