Putting Away Items Using a Storage List

  1. Select LN Warehouse Mobility > Icon Menu > Inbound Transactions > Putaway. The Putaway form is displayed.
  2. Specify this information:
    The warehouse into which to receive the items.
    Run Number
    The inbound run number.
    Mission From and Mission To
    The range of mission numbers to process. The mission numbers specified in these fields, and all mission numbers in between, are included in the range.
    Item Number
    The item number to process.
  3. Click Process.
  4. Select a line to put away.
    Note: If you are putting away a container linked to a handling unit, you are not prompted to select a line to put away.
  5. Specify this information:
    Actual Location
    The put away location for the item.
    The quantity to put away.
    Note: If you are using handling units, you can specify Yes in the Enter HU field to assign a handling unit to the items you are receiving. To receive the items as loose inventory, specify No.
  6. Select Process.
  7. Specify No to skip cross docking.