Loading Packages (Loading)
You can only load sealed packages that are associated with a shipment.
Loading is a transaction belonging to the Packing Sub-Menu on the Warehouse Mobility icon based and list based menus.
On the Packing Sub-Menu:
- Select Loading.
- Scan the handling unit of the package.
Specify or review this information:
- Handling Unit
- The handling unit of the package is displayed.
- Shipment Number
- This field is enabled if the Load by Shipment parameter is selected in the
Transaction Set Maintenance form.
The shipment number associated with the handling unit is displayed.Note:
- If the Allow Unpicked Lines parameter is selected in the transaction set maintenance form, the projected shipment is used for the transaction. However, if the Handling Unit is specified, then the project shipment is linked to the HU.
- If the shipment number is specified, a new form
is displayed with these information
- Status/Line
- Item/Qty
- Handling Unit
- Pack Item/PD
The user must select one of the field and click Next.
A new Loading form is displayed and the user can scan the following fields using the applicable Handling Unit Number:
- Load Number
- The load number associated with the shipment is displayed.
- Packaging Item
- Optionally, specify a new packaging item for the package. The packaging item currently assigned to the package is displayed.
- Pre-Assigned Dock
- The dock to which the load has been pre-assigned is displayed. This field is only displayed if you are using pre-assigned docks in Infor LN.
- Load?
- To load the package, specify Yes.
- Dock
- Specify the dock onto which you are loading the
package. If you leave this field blank or specify a different dock from the
one used for other packages on the same load, the load will be split. You
can only split loads if the Load packing parameter is selected in Infor LN. Note:
- If the Use Shipment as Dock parameter is selected in the transaction set maintenance form, the shipment number is defaulted in the Dock field. The user is not allowed to modify the field.
- If the Use Load as Dock parameter is selected in the transaction set maintenance form, the shipment’s load number is defaulted in theDock field. The user is not allowed to modify the field.
- If the Ignore Dock parameter is selected in the transaction set maintenance form, the dock field is defaulted with the Dock value. The user is not allowed to modify the field.
- Handling Unit
- The handling unit of the package is displayed.
- Asset Tag
- This field is enabled if the
add_asset parameter is selected in the transaction
set maintenance form. Note:
- This field is mandatory if the asset_tag_mandatory child parameter is selected in the transaction set maintenance form.
- The Asset Tag is defaulted, if an existing Handling Unit is added to the transaction.
- If the validate_asset_tag child parameter is selected in the transaction set maintenance form, the parameter must validate that the specified asset tag is not related to an Open or Active Handing Unit.
- Select Process.
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