Attendance Threshold tab

Use this tab to define the points thresholds and actions required when an employee’s total incident value crosses a threshold. For each Track a sequence of thresholds are defined. At each threshold, you can specify the action that is performed, whether or not to generate an email to the supervisor, on which events to prompt the supervisor that an action must be processed and the text to use in the prompts message.

Disciplinary Notice Threshold Configuration
The levels and level thresholds for each track defined in Track Names. Thresholds are the break points where incident values move an employee from one Level to the next level. Levels may specify actions the supervisor takes. Generally, the action specified increase in severity as the level increases.
Any Track defined in Track Names appears in the pulldown list for this field. Select the Track Name of the specified the threshold. A threshold can be for only 1 track.
Levels categorize incident totals. As an employee’s total incident value increases the employee is moved to higher levels. The lowest level is Perfect attendance. Perfect attendance is generally defined as a Total Incident Value that is equal to 0. The Perfect level is followed by Level 0 through Level 15.
Incident Value, Threshold and Days
The combination of Incident Value, Threshold and Days defines the threshold for that level.
  • Incident Value is the Total Incident Value accumulated.
  • Threshold states the limit the incident value can accrue to in order to qualify for the level.
  • Days states the duration in which the Threshold applies.
Describes the action the supervisor must take in response to cross into a new level. No Action is used to suppress notices and processing requirements. Any other value is displayed in prompts messages, emails, reminders and on the Absence Summary History table.
When this parameter is set to Yes, supervisor and administrator profiles that are authorized for the employee’s Work Group with the field Receive Disciplinary Notices set to Yes receive an email of the Disciplinary Notice and an email when the supervisor receives a processing reminder prompt.
When Generate Incident Notices and Process Notices are set to Yes and the Reminder fields is set to a value other than None, the supervisor is prompted with a message, when a threshold that requires processing is crossed. These are the options:
  • None: Processing is required but the supervisor receives no reminders.
  • ABS Requests: The supervisor receives a reminder prompt when changing the disposition of an employee's absence request.
  • Hours Processing: The supervisor receives a reminder prompt when processing the employee’s hours.
  • Both: The supervisor receives prompts at Absence Request and Hours Processing.
After the incident is set to Complete status on the Employee Absence Tracking form, then the reminder for the level is suppressed.
This field displays the text in emails and reminders for the specific level.