Attendance Points tab
This tab is enabled the Use Attendance Point System Parameter is selected in the General tab.
- Attendance Points Tab
- This tab is used to define the characteristics of the Attendance Points System:
- measurement period
- use of partial incidents
- threshold for partial incidents
- use of incident forgiveness
- use of incident notices
- Measurement Period
- There are two scenarios for defining a measurement period. This field can be set to
Rolling 12 or Tracking Year.\
- Rolling 12: When rolling 12 is selected as the measurement period the application evaluates the Incident Table for the period starting at the current report date less 365 up until the current report date(Measurement Period =(Today-365) to Today) to determine the employees Attendance Incident total.
- Tracking Year: Tracking Year measurement period compares the incident report date with the records in the emp_time_off_group_change table. The tracking year scenario to set the beginning and ending of the measurement period. This method extends the tracking year concepts developed for the Absence Request system to the Attendance Point System.
- Use Incident Threshold
- This field can be set to Yes or No. The
default for this field is No An incident is a violation of a clock in rule (that is;
Exception or X) or absence hours associated with an Incident absence code.
- When set to No, the full value of an incident is applied irrespective of the incident’s time length.
- When this field is set to No, the partial incident configuration fields is disabled.
- The Partial X Incident Duration is used to define the partial incident threshold for clock in rule violations.
- For Incident ABS Types Partial Incident Duration is defined on the Absence code configuration form.
- When the field is set to Yes, incidents with a duration less than the Partial Incident Duration parameter applies the partial incident value. Incidents with durations greater than the Partial Incident Duration parameter applies the full value of the incident.
- The format for these fields on both the Employee Type and Absence form is HHMM.
- Partial X Incident Duration
- This field is enabled when the Use Incident Threshold field is set to Yes. This field is applicable for Exceptions Incidents only. Exception Incident values are defined in the Incident value section of the Attendance Points tab.
- Allow Incident Forgiveness
- This field can be set to Yes or No. The default setting is No.
- When set to Yes, an incident’s point value is nullified by forgiving the incident during incident processing.
- Forgive icons are available on the hours summary and detail forms for both Clocked
and Elapsed employee type.
- When invoked from hour summary form, all incidents associated with the selected
summary records is set to Forgiven status.
- The Status of the incident on the Employee Absence Tracking Form is updated to Forgiven. Note: For Weekly Elapsed employees, when the Forgiven icon is invoked from a hour Summary form all incidents in the selected work week is set to Forgiven status.
- When invoked from hour summary form, all incidents associated with the selected
summary records is set to Forgiven status.
- On the hours detail forms forgiveness is performed on both the Global or on the
Specific records.
- Global Forgiveness occurs when no detail records are selected within the selected report date
- Specific Forgiveness occurs when a detail record is selected within the selected
report date.
- For weekly elapsed employees, global forgiveness has all the incidents in the selected work week set to forgive status.
- An incident is set to forgiven status at any time before or after Hours Processing or Payroll Processing.
- Forgiven incidents do not count for Perfect Attendance.
- Generate Incident Notices
- Disciplinary notices include emails and prompts messages that notify the users when a disciplinary threshold is crossed. This field can be set to Yes or No. The default setting is No. When this field is set to Y, with the Incidents with email is also set to Y and the Reminders have a value which is not equal to None, then the user receives emails and or prompts messages. Notices are generated when an ABS record is created or an exception occurs that causes the incident value to exceed the threshold of a tracked level.
- Incident Values
- Incidents are variances from the clock in rules defined in shift configuration. The values are displayed in the Hours Summary and Detail forms as Exceptions, X. This section specifies the full and partial values the Attendance Points System assigns to each type of exception.
- Track Names
- A Track is a set of rules that specifies the type of transactions for tracking by the
Attendance Points system and the actions is performed when an employee’s point totals
exceed defined points thresholds. There is provision to define multiple Tracks to specify
separate tracks for attendance events of various level of severity.
- Track Name: Defines the name of the set of rules a series of points thresholds refers to.
- Sequence: Defines the sort order of track thresholds. When threshold of multiple tracks is crossed by the same incident this value is used to determine the process to handle generation of prompts.
- ABS Incident: Absence codes can be configured using the Incident Absent Type that helps in the increment for an Employee’s incident value. When this field is set to Yes ABS hours associated with Incident Absence Types helps for the increment of the employee’s incident total while processing. When the field is set to No this type of ABS hour are omitted from the employee’s attendance points tracking.
- Exception Incident: When this field is set to Y any attendance transaction that generates an exception with an Incident Value helps for the increment of the employee’s total incident value. When it is set to No this type of ABS hour are omitted from the employee’s attendance points tracking.
- NoCallNoShow Incident: This is an Absence Type. ABS hours associated with this Absence Type are deemed to be a more serious infraction of the attendance policy. When the field is set to Yes, this absence type is tracked. When the field is set to No this type of abs hour are omitted from the employee’s attendance points tracking.
- Threshold Basis: This parameter defines the process of incident values' accumulation. The alternatives are Sum or Count. When the field is set to sum, incident values are summed to determine the employee’s Total Incident Value. When the field is set to Count the occurrences of incidents are counted to determine progress towards the Track’s incident thresholds.
- Process Notices: When Generate Notices is set to Yes and a threshold is crossed that requires an action, the user receives a reminder prompt message till the time the user acknowledges the incident by setting the status to complete on the Employee Absence Tracking form.
- Default Track: Several forms in TimeTrack display an employee’s status within a Track and the related Total Incident Value. When there are multiple tracks defined, this parameter designates the required track to display. The forms that display the employee’s Default Track are EmployeeAbsenceRequest.TS, EmployeeAbsenceRequest (Non-Touch Screen), Employee-Absence Tab and EmployeeAbsenceTracking.