- Team
- The unique number of the team.
- Description
- The description of the team.
- Badge ID
- The badge ID of the team.
- Active
- Select this check box to perform tasks such
as start and stop the job, and employees to join or leave the team.
- Workset Enabled
- Select this check box to enable teams to
work on worksets and multiple jobs.
- Labor Proration
- The method used to distribute time within
the team members. Labor proration is calculated for each employee.
The labor is allocated based on the workset configuration defined in
the Employee Types form.
Note: You must select the Workset Enabledcheck box to
view this field.
- Machine Proration
- The method used to distribute the machine
time within the team members. Machine proration is applied to the
first employee on the team members list.
Note: You must select the Workset Enabled check box
to view this field.
- Remove Member At Clock Out
- Select this check box to delete the
employee details from the Team when clocked out.
- Combine Labor and Machine Time
- Select this to check box to automatically
report the machine time as labor time ratio.
Note: The machine time is applied to the first
employee in the team members list.
- Stop Only Transaction
- Select this check box to stop the jobs and
automatically generate job start transaction. The current job stops
when clocked out.