Punch Parameters tab

Clocking Rules

The adjustments and tolerances that are applied to attendance transactions are specified in this section.

Grace Before/After
The grace period before or after the scheduled clock-in, clock-out, lunch/break punch-out, and lunch/break punch-in times. The grace time is expressed in minutes and indicates the time period for which a variance from the scheduled punch event is accepted without an error. Punches that occur within the grace period are adjusted to the scheduled in or out time. Punches that occur outside the grace period are considered an exception.
Tolerance Before/After
The period outside of the grace period where punches are accepted without triggering an adjustment or exception. Tolerances are expressed in minutes. Punches that occur outside of the grace period but within the tolerance period, are not adjusted and are considered an exception. Punches that occur outside the tolerance period are also not adjusted and are considered an exception. The Error Code field in the Hours Detail form explains the exception.
Remarks Required
If this check box is selected, the user must specify a remark before the exception on the punch can be authorized.

Jobs/Indirect Tasks

Auto Stop Clock Out
If this check box is selected, an employee’s running job is stopped automatically when the employee clocks out.
Auto Start Clock In
If this check box is selected, a job that has been automatically stopped on the previous clock out is restarted.

The auto start functionality is also applicable if there are absence hours on the dates between the last Clock Out (that qualifies as an Auto Stop) and the next Clock In.

The application validates T-1 where T is Report Date. If T-1 contains an absence record and no other auto stoppable labor record exists, the logic checks T-2. If T-2 has the same condition, the logic continues validating until a report date is found that has an auto stoppable labor stop or until T-45 is reached. If a report date has an auto stoppable labor record and that labor record is not auto stopped, then Auto Start is canceled. If the record is auto stopped, the auto stopped job is auto started on the current report date. The auto start is canceled if no report date is found in 45 days of the clock-in containing an auto stopped labor record.

Auto Stop Lunch/Break Stop
If this check box is selected, an employee’s running job is stopped automatically when the employee clocks out for a lunch or a break. If this check box is cleared and a running job exists when a clock out is attempted, the user is prompted to close the running job before attempting to clock out.
Auto Start Lunch/Break Start
If this check box is selected, a job that has been automatically stopped on the previous clock out for a lunch or a break, is restarted when clocking back in. If this check box is cleared, a job is not started when clocking in from a lunch or break.
Max Auto Adjustment Between Jobs
The maximum duration for which a job start can be adjusted to eliminate a gap in labor activity. This parameter is used to eliminate gaps between attendance transactions or between the current job start and the last job stop. If the time gap is more than the specified value, no adjustments occur, and the unaccounted-for time creates a booking error (B status) for the record. The format is HHMM and the default value is 0 (zero minutes).
Gap Fill Code
The code of the valid task defined on the Tasks form. This task is used when you click Gap Fill on the Hours Summary or the Hours Detail form.
Max Gap Without Exception
The maximum time period defined for a gap record to prevent an exception. Gap records with durations less than the value specified in this field are accepted without exception. The format is HHMM and the default value is 0 (zero minutes).
Auto Fill Gaps
If this check box is selected, all gaps are filled automatically.
Adjust Last Job When Clock Out
Select this check box to change the end time of the employee last job to the clocked-out time of the employee.

For example, if the last job of the employee ends at 3:20 PM and the employee has clocked-out at 3:30 PM the application updates the end time of the employee’s last job to 3:30 PM. 



Use this section to define parameters related to the overtime rules.

Authorize OT Required
If this check box is selected, Hours Summary records that are greater than the specified shift day can be classified as an Exception. If this check box is cleared, the Authorized OT and Double time is added to the standard shift day to determine the threshold for hours worked in a day before classifying the record as an Exception.
Weekly OT
Complete Week Required For
If there is no requirement that a complete week be worked in order to receive the Work Code specified in the Shift for hours entered on Non-Working days, leave this field blank or select None. If there is no complete week requirement for overtime, but there is a requirement for double time, select Double Time. If there is a requirement for overtime and double time, select Both. When a Complete Week is required but not met the work codes specified in this form are applied to the hours clocked on the non-working days. There are two sets of parameters, one for the Weekly OT methods and the other for the Daily and Weekly OT methods. When a complete week is met the workcodes specified in the employee’s shift are applied to hours worked on non-working days.
Complete Week Not Met For OT
The workcode used for non-working days when the complete week requirement for overtime is not met. If the complete week requirement is met, workcode specified for the shift is used for hours clocked on non-working days.
Complete Week Not Met for DT
The workcode used for non-working days when the complete week requirement for double time is not met. If the complete week requirement is met, the workcode specified for the shift is used for hours clocked on non-working days.
Daily and Weekly OT
In the Daily and Weekly OT method, overtime is determined by the number of hours worked during each shift day. When an employee works for the complete week, usually the overtime and double time thresholds are lower on the non-working days. Else, the standard thresholds or thresholds that are higher than those specified for the shift are considered for non-working days. The Daily and Weekly parameters are stated in HHMM format.
Complete Week Not Met for Reg
The number of regular hours for which an employee must work in a day before hours are categorized as overtime, if the employee is not working for the complete week. For a dynamic shift, these are the first hours worked. For a static shift, these are the first hours worked after the shift start.
Complete Week Not Met for OT
The number of overtime hours that an employee can work for in a day before hours are categorized as Double time.
Complete Week Not Met for DT
The number of double time hours that an employee can work for before the report date is classified as an Exception for too many hours worked.
Complete Week Not Met for OT Before Shift
The number of OT hours that must be authorized prior to the shift start. This field is applicable only when the employee is assigned to a Static Shift with Daily or Daily and Weekly OT Method. You must set the value in this field only if hours are booked against shifts that are Static and the OT Method is Daily.
Complete Week Not Met for DT Before Shift
The number of DT hours that must be authorized prior to start of OT Before Shift. Hours logged prior to this threshold triggers an exception for working too many hours on a specific date.
Note: This field is applicable only when the employee is assigned to a Static Shift with a Daily or Daily and Weekly OT Method. You must set the value in this field only if hours are booked against shifts that are Static and the OT Method is Daily.
Rounding Parameters
Use this section to define rules for rounding entries that occur outside of the specified start and end times. Grace period adjustments and Rounding Parameters must be configured to evenly integrate with one another. If this is not done, conflicts in the configuration can result in incorrect adjustments or rounding..
Punch Types to Round
The rounding options for a punch. Possible values:
  • Attendance: In and Out transactions that occur outside of the periods defined in the Grace and Tolerance Matrix will round per the other parameters defined in the Punch Rounding section.
  • Attendance and Labor: Job start and stops times are rounded in addition to the attendance transaction rounding.
  • None: If you leave blank, rounding does not occur.
Punch Rounding Intervals
The incremental value for rounding the punch time. For example, if you set this parameter to 5, punches are rounded to 5-minute times. The value must be a whole integer that is a factor of an hour (60 minutes). Allowable values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, and 30.
In Punch Rounding Interval Split
Specify the point in the interval at which punching in will round up versus down. A value of 0 will round everything down, while 1 will round everything up. A value of 3 in a 10-minute interval will round punches of 1 and 2 minutes into the interval down, and punches starting with 3 minutes into the interval up.
Out Punch Rounding Interval Split
Specify the point in the interval at which punching out will round up versus down. A value of 0 will round everything down, while 1 will round everything up. A value of 3 in a 10-minute interval will round punches of 1 and 2 minutes into the interval down, and punches starting with 3 minutes into the interval up.
Adjust Forward Clock Ins After Grace, Adjust Backward Clock Outs Before Grace, Adjust Forward Lunch/Break Ins After Grace, and Adjust Backward Lunch/Break Outs Before Grace:
The parameters that define an additional penalty for punches that occur outside the Grace/Tolerance period. These parameters are considered clock-in rules and take precedence over any rounding rules. Rounding rules applicable for punches that occur after the adjustments are done based on these parameters. These parameters are all stated in HHMM.

For example, the Adjust Forward Clock Ins After Grace value adjusts the clock-in to the nearest specified increment if an employee clocks in later than the tolerance for the grace period. Consider a shift begins at 8:00 with a grace period of 5 minutes, tolerance of 10 and an Adjust Forward Clocks Ins After Grace value of 15. If an employee clocks in at 8:11, the application adjusts the clock-in to 8:15.