Issuing material in ERP

Use this form to issue the material required for production order. The data is updated in the ERP application enabling to create or release the outbound advice.

  1. Select Task Details form > Materials tab > Issue Material form.
  2. Specify this information:
    Item number
    The item number.
    The warehouse. This value is defaulted.
    If the item is handling-unit controlled, select the Handling unit. for the item. The Item, Location, Lot and Serial number linked to the Handling Unit are defaulted.
    The item quantity.
    • If an outbound advice exists for the item, the data specified here must match the outbound advice data. Else, you must specify the required quantity for further processing.
    • If the item is not Handling Unit-controlled or no Handling Unit is scanned, you must specify the location, lot and serial number based on the item characteristics.
    • If the item is serial-controlled and a quantity is greater than one, another form is displayed to allow the individual serial numbers to be entered.
  3. Click Issue to update the data in the ERP application and create or release the outbound advice.