Form Names

The Form Names page is a part covered in the new feature of Menu Management. This utility allows a short name to be associated to a form. This allows the user to pick the form to put on a menu using the short name.

The user can view these fields in this page:

  • Form Name: The name of the form that is selected form the list.
  • Form Label: The short name of the form.
  • ERP validated: If this check box is selected, the form is validated based on the ERP. Time track forms must not be validated.
  • ERP Type: Indicates the base ERP of the form. This field is enabled only if the ERP validated check box is selected.
  • System Record: The check box is selected based on the availability of the records. By default this check box is cleared.

User can create new forms for the menu manager feature and save the respective fields.

For more information, see Menu Maintenance.