Current Transaction Workbench

Use this form to view information about transactions that are performed on the current date. You can view this data:

  • The number of transactions are performed in the last hour.
  • The success rate for transactions.
  • The average response time of the transaction.
  • The number of transactions are performed on the current day and in the last hour.

You can filter the information by user, department, warehouse, and work group. You can view this data for a specific user or transaction.


The Options section displays information such as report date, time, auto-refresh, and show all transactions. You can use these options to view the corresponding data in the list view or graph.

The Users tab displays the list of users who performed the transaction in the last hour and the number of successful transactions, and errors when performing the transaction, both in list and graph view. You can also use the Drilldown and Details option to view the user's data in detail.

The Transactions tab displays the number of transactions performed in the last hour, the number of successful and unsuccessful transactions, and the average response time for the transaction in the list view. You can also use the Drilldown and Details option to view the transaction data in detail.

Graph: Displays the count of transactions performed in the last hour, the success rate for transactions, and errors when performing the transactions, if any in the form of stacked bar charts, for each user.

Refresh Graph on Data Change: If this check box is selected, the data in the graph is automatically refreshed based on the recent activities performed in the transactions form.


These details are displayed:

  • Transactions Last Hour: The total count of transactions performed in the last hour.
  • Transactions Today: Total transactions performed on the current day.
  • Successful Transactions: The total count and percentage rate of the successful transactions in comparison to the totoal transactions performed today, on the current day.
  • Average Response Time: The average response time for the transactions.