Building Forms

On this form, you can see the SoHo user components that are used to build forms.

This table shows a list of components available in this category:

Components Description
Button Click to perform highly-used, supporting, and destructive actions, and actions that you do not want to call out visually
Calendar Specify a date manually or select a date from the calendar
Date Picker Specify a date manually or select a date from a popup calendar
Radio Button Select one from a list options
Range Slider Select a range value from the slider control
Slider Select a value from the slider control
Spin Box Specify a value manually or click the plus or minus button
Switch Select to turn optional system functionality on or off
Ticks and Color Slider Select a color for the trigger area and the text input area
Time Picker Specify time manually or select a specific time

Place the cursor on the information icon on each page to know how to use and setup a component on Mongoose forms. You can test these components through the Preview and Binding Test fields.

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