Setting up the sending form

To set up the sending form:

  1. Create a component on the form that can be used to trigger a form event.
  2. With the component selected, click the Events tab on the property sheet.  
  3. Click the ellipsis (...) button for the Primary event field.
  4. In the Event Handlers dialog box, click New.
  5. In the Event Handler Properties dialog box, specify the name of the event in the Event field.
  6. For the Response > Type, select Send Web Container Messsage.
  7. Click the ellipsis button for the Parameters field.
  8. In the Event Handler Parms (Parameters) dialog box, click Type Specific Parameters.
  9. In the Edit Message To Web Container dialog box, in the Message Type field, specify a name for a custom message type.
  10. In the JSON Message field, specify the data to be sent as the JSON message.
    Note:  This data does not need to be JSON code.
  11. Save your work.
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