Attaching a New Document

Note:  The term "document" in this context can be any kind of file, not just a text document. The file could be a spreadsheet, a graphics file, or any type of file that you need to attach to an object in the application.
  1. Open a form to which you want to attach a document, or select a property or a record on that form to which you want to attach a document.
  2. Select Actions > Documents for Current.
  3. In the Attached Documents form, specify this information:
    Document Name
    Specify a name that identifies the document in the list of documents.
    Document Sequence
    The system automatically generates an identifcation number to distinguish multiple documents (files) that have the same Document Name. The number displays in this read-only field when you save.
    Optionally, specify a description of the document and its use.

    If a description exists on the Document Types form, and you specify a Document Type, the system automatically fills this field in using that description.

    Document Type
    Note:  Before a document type can display in this drop-down list, it must first be defined on the Document Types form. If the document type you want does not display on this drop-down list, it means that it has not yet been defined on the Document Types form.

    If the document type is already defined on the Document Types form, the document type for the document being attached is automatically selected when you import a file.

    If the document type is not detected after import, the document type for that document is not yet defined. You can select a document type from the list, or define it first in the Document Types form.

    When you select a type or if it is automatically selected, the associated Storage Method and Media Type are filled in.

    Depending upon the Storage Method, documents are stored either in the application database or in the specified location (file specification). If you select Link, you must include the File Specification. You also can specify a form/property combination to restrict viewing of the file. Based on the file specification and form/property combination, files will be available for viewing.

    If the Storage Method is Database, the file is stored in the application database.

    File Extension
    When you import a file, the file extension is automatically determined.
    Media Type
    The media type is updated based on the type of file you import.
  4. Optionally, specify the  revision number, status, and the start and end dates the document is to be available for viewing through a portal.
  5. If documents of the selected  type are stored on a shared file server or FTP site, use the Select Folder and Select File fields to specify the location from which the file will be linked. In the Select Folder field, select from a list of the existing folders on the server, as specified in the Document Type form. You cannot import a file with the same name as a file that already exists in the file system.
  6. Click Import to find and select the file you want to attach.
  7. Click Open to attach the selected file.
  8. Verify that the File Extension field displays the correct file extension for the file you attached.
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