Sample Wildcard Query

Suppose you work in Human Resources, and you need to access the employee records for all employees in the Administration department (400) whose last names begin with letters in the last half of the alphabet. Your query might work something like this:

  1. Open the Employees form, from which you can access all employee personnel records.
  2. On the tool bar, click the Filter button, which retrieves all employee records to this form.
  3. Press Ctrl+Q to display the Employees Query form.
  4. Specify this information on the Primary Criteria tab:
    • With Last Name as the criteria, select  > (Greater than) as the operator
    • Specify M* in the adjacent value field.
  5. On the Additional Criteria tab, specify this information in the three query criteria fields:
    • From the first list, select Department.
    • From the operator drop-down list, select = (Equals).
    • From the adjacent value list, select 400, which is the Administration department.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Click Refresh. All records that meet the specified criteria are retrieved and displayed in the Results grid.
  8. To return these records to the parent multiview form (Employees), click OK.
  9. When prompted for confirmation, click Yes.
Note:  When you click Yes, tall retrieved records are returned to the parent form, replacing whatever was previously displayed in that form. You cannot pick and choose which records to return.
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