Creating URLs to access the web clients

In the web client, forms are accessed using URLs. These URLs can be constructed with a base URL and optional URL parameters. In some cases, you can bypass the normal URL and construct a URL that does not require the user to log in by bypassing the Sign In page.

The base URL

The URLs used to access forms must adhere to a specific format. The base format is:


where webserver is the name of the web server on which the web client software resides.  

URL parameters

To the base URL, you can add any of a number of URL parameters that control what happens when the web client opens. To append these parameters to the base URL:

  • Add a question mark immediately after the base URL.
  • Specify one or more parameters without spaces.
  • Separate multiple parameters with ampersand symbols (&).

Parameters need not appear in any particular order for the system to use them.

This table lists and describes those URL parameters:

URL parameter (syntax) Description
user=userName Login parameter.

The value for userName is the login user ID. When specified, the user ID field on the Sign In page is automatically populated with this user ID.

config=configName Login parameter.

The value for configName is the name of the configuration the user wants to log in to. When specified, this configuration is automatically selected and displays in the Configuration field on the Sign In page.

configgroup=configGroupName Login parameter.

The value for configGroupName is the name of the configuration group to which the named configuration belongs.

Use this option when you want to display only members of the specified configuration group in the Configuration drop-down list on the Sign In page.



Session startup parameter.

The value for formName is the name of the form to be opened. This parameter can be used with or without form launch parameters (launchParams).

For example, form=Events as a URL parameter opens the Events form with its default settings. form=Events(FILTER(EventName='IdoOnInvoke')SETVARVALUES(InitialCommand=Refresh)) as a URL parameter with additional form launch parameters filters the Events collection for the IdoOnInvoke framework event and then refreshes the form (overriding the form's default InitialCommand parameter) when it opens to display just that event.

Note:  It is possible to do value filtering when launching a form with these launch parameters.



Session startup parameter.

When the formonly option is used with this parameter, the form opens without any of the usual WinStudio menus or toolbars, and without access to the Explorer. This option is intended primarily for use with forms designed for use on mobile devices, where space is at a premium.

For more information, see About the Toolbar in Form-only Mode.

When the light option is used with this parameter, the form opens in a special lightweight web browser client. This, again, is designed as a feature primarily for mobile forms and apps.

notitle=1 This parameter is used in conjunction with the page=formonly parameter. When specified, it tells the browser not to display the title bar for the form.
deviceid=number This parameter is used primarily when testing form displays. The number indicates which device type definition, as defined on the Edit Device Types form, is to be used to display the form.
menu=hidden Session startup parameter.

This parameter is used to hide the main menu.

Bypassing the Sign In page

In some cases, you might want your users to be able to log in to a particular form in your application without having to sign in. You can do this with a URL formatted like this:



  • webserver is the name of the web server on which the web client software resides.
  • configname is the name of the configuration the user is authorized to use.
  • username is the Mongoose user ID of the user.
Note:  This type of URL works only with users who have no sign-in password.

You can also append URL parameters to this URL format.

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