Form Metrics Settings

Use the Form Metrics tab in the User Preferences window to control how forms and form components that are created by the New Form Wizard, the New Data Maintenance Wizard, or the XML to IDO Wizard are displayed by default. These settings affect only those forms. They can be overridden in Design Mode after their initial creation.

To edit form metrics settings:

  1. Select View > User Preferences.
  2. Select the Form Metrics tab.
  3. Adjust the settings to your preferences.

    The Form Metrics tab has two sub-tabs, each with multiple options:  

    • Common sub-tab settings are general form settings, those which affect the form as a whole.

      See Form Metrics Common settings.

    • Component sub-tab settings are settings that apply specifically to different types of components that might appear on a form.

      On the Component sub-tab, you can specify settings for form display in general. All measurements are given in character units.

      These options specify the default sizes of many common form components. In the case of subcollection grid and notebook sizes, the effects of these settings depend on what option is chosen for the Default Form Layout field on the Common tab.

  4. Optionally, perform one of these actions:
    • To restore the default settings to their original values, click Restore Defaults.
    • To save your altered form metrics settings to a template that you can load later, click Save Template.
    • To load a set of saved form metrics settings from a template file for reuse, click Load Template.
  5. To save and implement your settings, click OK.
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