Workflow Example 3: Time Conditional Notification

To create a workflow that sends a notification to your Inbox when a PO line change occurs and the Promise Date is later than the Due Date:

  1. On the first page of the New Workflow Wizard, specify one of these options:
    • Notify Me When: Select this option to receive a notification in your Mongoose Inbox when the change you specify in the following pages is made to the system
    • Notify You When: Select this option if the person who makes the specified change should receive a notification in their Mongoose Inbox.
    • Build from Scratch: Select this option and click Finish to exit the workbench and use the standard AES forms to build the workflow.
  2. Select Customize Resulting Workflow if you want to open the event handler you created in the standard AES forms when you finish building the workflow through the wizard. This option is enabled only if you selected one of the Notify options.
  3. Click Next. On the second page of the wizard, specify these options:
    • Specify a description of the workflow. You can change the description on later pages.
    • Specify the IDO and/or form that you want the system to track.  You must identify the IDO. In addition, you can further restrict the triggering condition by specifying the form where the changes are made. See the Examples below.
      Note:  If you select a form name and then click in the IDO field, the IDO is automatically filled in (this can be helpful if you know the form but not the IDO). If you specify an IDO name, and you want the workflow to apply to all forms that use that IDO, you can either leave the Form Name field blank or select All Forms. If you want the workflow to apply to all IDOs associated with the specified form, select All IDOs.
    • Specify the type of operation on that IDO (Additions, Changes, or Deletions) that will trigger the notification.
  4. For What to Track, specify Changes.
  5. In the third page, specify the filter criteria:
    • Select Where. The caption for the IDO you selected on the previous page is displayed (Purchase Order Items).
    • Select the appropriate property, PromiseDate, from the drop-down list.
    • Specify the operator, in this case Is after.
    • Specify the other property to compare to, in this case PurchaseOrderItems.DueDate.
    • Click Add This Clause to add your filter to the workflow.
  6. Click Finish to complete the workflow.
  7. Test the workflow.
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