Checking Out Forms

When you check out a form or global object, you can make changes to the object in Mongoose, without others overwriting your changes. When you check out an object, Form Control locks the object so that no one else can access it until you check it back in or unlock it.

To check out a form, with or without its associated template or global objects:

  1. Open the Form Control form.
  2. In the Actions group box, select Check Out.
  3. On the Forms tab, from the Master form name field, select the name of the form you want to check out.
  4. To verify that another user does not already have the form checked out, make sure the Locked by user field is blank.
  5. Select from the options that are shown in this table:
    To check out: Do this:
    The form without its template or any associated global objects.

    Verify that these check boxes are cleared:

    • Display/select objects to be included with action
    • Include form template
    The form's template with the form Select Include form template.
    Global objects associated with the form
    1. Select Display/select objects to be included with action.

      The Global Objects Referenced from Form pane displays a list of all global objects associated with the form.

    2. Use one of these options:
      • To check out all associated global objects, click Select All.

        Note:  If any objects are already checked out, this option skips those objects.
      • To check out only one or certain selected global objects, select the check box in the Inc column for each object you want to check out.
      • To check out only one copy of each selected global object, select Eliminate duplicate global references.
  6. In the Process options group box, click Execute Action.
  7. At the prompt, click OK.
Note:  During this process, Form Control displays a warning if device types exist for a form but is not synchronized between databases. For more information, see Utilities Tab.
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