XML2 / XML3 / XML6

These functions all return an XML string that represents data that has been loaded from an IDO collection.

Note:  Before you can use any of these functions, you must first load an IDO collection in a preceding event action.

Return Type



  • For XML2: XML ( collection, rowElementName )
  • For XML3: XML ( collection, rowElementName, attrList )
  • For XML6: XML( collection, rowElementName, attrList, childXmlSrc, fltrPattern, fltrList )


These functions all serve a similar purpose. The only difference is in the number of parameters that they have. The possible parameters include:

Parameter Description/Comments Included in
Argument 1(collection) Specifies the IDO collection to be converted to XML.

After at least one other Load IDO Collection action has been created and saved, any result sets from those actions display in the drop-down list.

The button is not functional.

Expression 2 (rowElementName) Specifies the name given to a parent element that represents each row of the collection in the resulting XML string, and thus contains that row's properties as child elements.

The button launches an instance of the Event Expression Editor, which allows you to specify the row element name using an event expression.

Argument 3 (attrList) Specifies one or more IDO properties (in the specified IDO collection) to be represented as attribute name/value pairs inside the row element tag, instead of as separate child elements under the row element. Multiple properties are specified using a comma-separated list.

The button launches the Event Action Load Collection Properties form, which allows you to select the properties from a list.

Expression 4 (childXmlSrc) Specifies a child XML source for data.

Those elements from the child XML source that match the filter pattern for a row of the collection are inserted under the corresponding parent element in the resulting XML string. This allows you to construct hierarchical XML structures.

The button launches an instance of the Event Expression Editor, from which you can use any expression that returns an XML string.

Expression 5 (fltrPattern) Specifies a filter pattern to be used in extracting the child XML string from the child XML source.

This is an XPath expression, with substitution tags to be replaced by the properties named in the filter list with values taken from each row of the collection, that selects elements from the child XML source to be inserted under the corresponding parent element in the resulting XML string.

The button launches an instance of the Event Expression Editor, from which you can use any expression that returns an XPath expression with substitution tags.

Argument 6 (filtrList) Specifies one or more IDO properties (in the specified IDO collection) whose values for each row are to be substituted for the substitution tags (that is,  {0}, {1}, and so on) in the filter pattern, before selecting elements from the child XML source to be inserted under the parent element corresponding to that row in the resulting XML string.

Multiple properties are specified using a comma-separated list.

The button launches the Event Action Load Collection Properties form, which allows you to select the properties from a list.