Form Sync, Pseudo Code tab

This Form Sync Utilities tab contains these fields and options.

Fields and options Description/Comments
Include To select which attributes of forms and components to include in the pseudo code generation, click this button.

When you click this button, Form Sync displays the Included Attributes page, which allows you to specify which attributes you want to include in the pseudo code.

Objects Use this and the accompanying ellipsis (...) button to browse to and select a folder, type of object, and specific object for which you want to generate pseudo code.
(Browse) Click to browse to the object for which you want to generate pseudo code.

Clicking this button opens a new page in which you can select first, the type of object, then the scope, and then the actual object.

After navigating to and selecting an object, clicking OK returns the path and filename of the selected object to the Objects field.

Output: Save/View The Save output option specifies that the generated pseudo code is to be outputted to the path and file location specified in the Output To field. Selecting this option enables that field.

The View output displays the output in a local form page, from which you can copy the pseudo code you want.

Output To This field is enabled only when the Save output option is selected. This field indicates the path and filename of the pseudo code file to be generated. In the smart client, you can click the ellipsis (...) button next to this field, and then navigate to and select the folder into which the generated pseudo code will be output.
Note: In the web client or in a partial trust situation, there is no ellipsis button. In this case, you must manually enter the entire path in this field, using standard drive:\path syntax.
Component position relative to container Component position in form metadata is all relative to the top left corner of the form. When you select this option, the component location information is calculated relative to whatever contains the component (for example, a Notebook Tab or a Group Box).

This information is never stored in the metadata but is used when synchronizing forms and can be used when generating pseudo code, so that a component's position relative to its container can be compared. This allows for a container to be moved but only the difference in the container's position shows up in the comparison and not the absolute positions of everything it contains.

Generate Pseudo Code After you have made your selections and settings, click this button to generate the pseudo code.
Stop Pseudo Code Generation To stop the pseudo code generation process, click this button.