Form Sync, [Form] Licenses tab

Note: In the smart client, this tab is designated without the word "Form".

This Form Sync Utilities tab contains these fields and options:

Fields and options Description/Comments
Select desired forms from list of form names Select the forms for which you wish to generate a license.
Note: Before you can select forms, you must refresh the list of available forms using the Refresh Form List button beneath this grid.

Selected forms then appear in the Selected forms/status grid. This grid does not display until at least one form is selected.

Generate Form License To start the form generation process, click this button.

If the current configuration references an application database on a remote machine, the process may run significantly longer. For the most efficient processing, we recommend that you run Form Sync on the "application server" (formerly known as the "utility server") that hosts the current configuration.

When the process successfully completes, the status of the selected forms is either "Generated" or "Skipped", depending on whether a customer forms license was generated. The Inc (selection) check box is cleared for all selected forms in the Select desired forms from list of form names grid, and the this button is disabled.

If the status is "Skipped", the form was already licensed to a module other than "CustomerForms". To see the license modules to which that form name currently is assigned, double-click on any entry with a status of "Skipped".

If the process fails for form license generation, a message box indicating the reason displays and the states of the Select desired forms from list of form names and Selected forms/status grid options remain unchanged.

Refresh Form List To see the list of available form names for the currently selected configuration, click this button. Once you click this button, form names display and the Generate Form License button is enabled.
Use settings on Filter tab on refresh When selected, the filter criteria as set on the Filter tab is used when refreshing the list of forms.

When cleared, a list of all available forms is returned.