TNP keyword

Applies to

Tree component

Property: Binding


Returns a formatted property value.


TNP( TreeComponentName, PropertyIndex [, DisplayFormatReferenceComponent ] )

Part Description
TreeComponentName The name of a tree component.
PropertyIndex The zero-based index number of a property specified in the Properties field of the Tree Control Data Binding dialog box. The first property in the field has index number zero.
DisplayFormatReferenceComponent Optional. The name of a component on the current form. The component's date type and formatting is used to format the property value.


Use the TNP (Tree Node Property) keyword in the Prefix/Format field of the Tree Control Data Binding dialog box. TNP allows you to specify a text prefix for each property value displayed in a tree node and to control format.

The display-format option allows you to override the system's internal format. You must define the formatting on the referenced component on the form.


The specification:

Job: TNP( treecomp1, 0 ) / Operation: TNP( treecomp1, 1 ) / Date: TNP( treecomp1, 2, DateFmtComp )

returns the tree-node text:

Job: 12345 / Operation: 10 / Date: 1/15/2007