Viewing Inventory by Item (Item Inquiry)

Use the Item Inquiry transaction to view the status of items.

Item Inquiry is a transaction belonging to the Inventory Sub-Menu on the Warehouse Mobility icon based and list based menus.

On the Inventory Sub-Menu:

  1. Select Inquiries > Item Inquiry.
  2. Scan or select an item number. This information about the item is displayed:
    • unit of measure
    • lot-control status
    • lot attribute group
    • serial-control status
    • attribute group
    • type
    • status
  3. Optionally, in the Whse field, select a warehouse at which to view item quantities at specified locations. Leave this field blank to display the total quantities for all warehouses at your site.
  4. Optionally, in the Loc field, select a location at which to view item quantities. Leave this field blank to view quantities at all locations in the selected warehouse.
  5. Press Enter. The item number, quantity on hand, reserved quantity, and quantity in containers are displayed.
  6. If you left the Whse and Loc fields blank, the total item quantities at all warehouses at your site are displayed. Optionally, to view quantities and location ranks at individual locations in a warehouse, select the warehouse and tap Next. If you selected a warehouse in the Whse field but left the Loc field blank, the item quantities and location rank for each location in the warehouse are displayed. If you select a warehouse and a location, the item quantities and location rank for the selected location are displayed.
  7. Optionally, if the item is lot-controlled, select a location and tap Next  to view the quantities for each lot number at that location.