Putting Away Items
Use the Putaway transaction to put away received items into inventory.
- Select Infor CSI Warehouse Mobility > Get It > Putaway. The Putaway transaction form is displayed.
Specify or review this information:
- Whse
- The warehouse at which the items are received.
- Container
- This field is only displayed if you are using containers at the assigned site. To put away a container, scan a container number. Leave blank if you are not putting away a container.
- Type
- Specify the origin of the items you are putting
away. Possible types:
- Purchase
- Transfer
- Return
- Prod Schedule
- Job
Note: This field is disabled if you are putting away a container.
- WC
- Select the work center at which the items were produced. This field is available only if you are putting away items from a job, just-in-production order, or production schedule.
- Receipt Loc
- The location to receive put away items. This field cannot be modified.
- Item
- The item number that is specified for put
away.Note: This field is displayed only to put away a container.
- Lot
- If applicable, select a lot number to put away an
item. Note:
- The error message is displayed for the lot items or serial items when the transaction restriction code is set to Stock Move in CSI.
- This field is not displayed to put away a container.
- Available
- The available quantity to put away is
displayed.Note: This field is displayed only when you are putting away a container.
- To Location
- A put away location. A location may be selected by default.
- Qty
- The quantity to put away.
- Select Process.
- Scan serial number for the item. Scan or select a serial number in the Serial field for each item to manually generate serial numbers. The Scanned field displays the total serial numbers to be scanned.
- Click Process after scanning the required serial numbers. Select Show List to view, or select Clear List to clear the list of available serial numbers.
Specify this information:
- Printer
- The name of printer. This value is defaulted. However, we can modify the value.
- Label Per Box
- The number of labels to be printed for each box.
- Qty Remaining
- The number of remaining labels to be printed is displayed.
- No of Boxes
- The number of boxes for which the labels must be printed.
- Qty Per Box
- The number of items available in each box.
- Select Print to print the labels, when the remaining labels to print is set to zero. Select Clear Labels to clear the No of Boxes and Qty Per Box fields.