Using Warehouse Mobility on a Mobile Scanner

You can use Infor Warehouse Mobility on mobile scanner devices to perform inventory, production, labor collection, picking, put away, receiving, and shipping transactions. To perform time and attendance transactions on mobile scanner device, you must have the Time Track module implemented. For information about performing time, attendance, and team transactions using Time Track, see Using Time Track on a Mobile Scanner.

You can access Warehouse Mobility transactions using a Web-based menu. See Accessing Shop Floor and Warehouse Mobility Transactions for more information.

These mobile scanner transactions are available using Warehouse Mobility:

Build Container

Use the Build Container transaction to add items to containers. You can create a new container or add items to an existing container.

See Adding Items to Containers for instructions on using this transaction.

Change Printer

Allows user to change user printer temporarily for the current session, which is originally set to default printer configuration for the user at user extension.

See Assigning a Printer to Your User ID for instructions on using this transaction.

Change Warehouse

Allows user to change user warehouse temporarily for the current session, which is originally set to default warehouse configuration for the user at user extension.

See Changing Your Default Warehouse for instructions on using this transaction.

Container Inquiry

Use the Container Inquiry transaction to view information about a container and its contents. You can also view lot and serial numbers for items in the container.

See Viewing Container Contentsfor instructions on using this transaction.

Customer Order Picking

Allows user to reserve and transfer items to the staging location based on the customer order line. This transaction supports only reserve able items.

See Picking Items for instructions on using this transaction.

Customer Order Shipping

Allows user to ship items which are reserved and available at staging location.

See Shipping Items for instructions on using this transaction.

Cycle Count

Use the Cycle Count transaction to perform cycle counts on items and locations that are selected for counting. After cycle count sheets are generated, the scanner displays a list of locations and the number of items in each location to be counted. The user can select a location from the list and start counting the selected items. Counted items and locations are no longer displayed on the scanner, so you are always presented with the pending items and locations.

While the scanner prompts the item and lot to be counted in a location, the Cycle Count transaction has an option to force you to re-enter the item, lot, and location. This allows better operational discipline during cycle counting.

See Counting Items for instructions on using this transaction.

Cycle Verify

The Cycle Verify transaction was developed specifically for supervisors or inventory controllers. Use this transaction to look at mismatches or uncounted items on the scanner without having to open the cycle count sheet. If you are interested in looking at mismatches, the scanner displays a list of all locations and the number of mismatches in each location. If you choose to recount the mismatches, the scanner displays the cut-off quantity and status as counted. After the mismatch has been recounted, the previous counts are replaced with the new counts.

See Verifying Inventory Counts for instructions on using this transaction.

Device Allocation

Use the Device Allocation transaction to issue and return devices.

See Issuing and Returning Devices

Empty Container

Use the Empty Container transaction to remove items from containers.

See Removing Items from Containers for instructions on using this transaction.

Item Containers

Use the Item Containers transaction to view containers that contain a specified item.

See Viewing Containers for an Item for instructions on using this transaction.

Item Inquiry

Use the Item Inquiry transaction to view the status of items. You can look up the on-hand quantity, reserved quantity, and quantity in containers for a specified item, as well as lot numbers for lot-controlled items. The Item Inquiry transaction displays a list of all locations with positive free quantity, based on item and warehouse inputs.

See Viewing Inventory Status for instructions on using this transaction.

JIT Production

Just In Time (JIT) is a production strategy that strives to improve the business return on investment by reducing in-process inventory and associated carrying costs. If you have implemented the JIT production method, you can use the JIT Production transaction to report production for JIT items. The JIT Production transaction can be configured to perform item put away to inventory from within the transaction.

See Reporting Completed Just-In-Time Production Items for instructions on using this transaction.

Job Material Issue

Use the Job Material Issue transaction to pick and issue raw material to a job. There are three ways you can issue material to a job:

  • Issue material that is part of BOM (Bill of material)
  • Issue new material outside BOM
  • Issue materials that are part of container as a single transaction. The third option is available only if the customer implement and use container functionality is valid.

After you specify the job number from the pick list, the scanner displays items, quantities, and locations from which to pick.

See Issuing Material to Jobs for instructions on using this transaction.

Job Material UnIssue

If excess material has been issued to a job and not consumed, use the Job Material UnIssue transaction to return that material to a stock location. This transaction provides the option to require users to confirm items by re-scanning them.

See Recalling Issued Material for instructions on using this transaction.

Job Receipt

After completing a job, use the Job Receipt transaction to report quantities produced against a job number. The Job Receipt transaction can be configured to either report production to a fixed floor location or to combine put away along with job receipt transactions. It also offers the option to print barcoded labels. The Job Receipt transaction does not close a job or an operation. If you need to close a job, complete an operation or backflush raw material, use the WIP Move transaction.

See Receiving Items from Jobs for instructions on using this transaction.

Kanban Delivery

Use the Kanban Delivery form to deliver Kanban replenishment items from staging locations into Kanban replenishment locations. This transaction can only be used if the Shop Floor module is implemented.

See Delivering Kanban Replenishment Items for instructions on using this transaction.

Kanban Pick

Use the Kanban Pick transaction to pick items to fill Kanban replenishment requests. This transaction can only be used if the Shop Floor module is implemented.

See Picking Items for Kanbans for instructions on using this transaction.

Kanban Request

Use the Kanban Request transaction to request replenishment for Kanbans. This transaction can only be used if the Shop Floor module is implemented.

See Requesting Replenishment for Kanbans for instructions on using this transaction.

Kanban Status

Use the Kanban Status transaction to view the status of Kanban replenishment requests. This transaction can only be used if the Shop Floor module is implemented.

See Viewing the Status of Kanban Replenishment Requests for instructions on using this transaction.

Label Reprint

Use the Label Reprint transaction to re-print barcode labels. You can search for previously printed barcodes by user ID, transaction, label name, printer, item number, or reference request ID.

See Re-printing Labels for instructions on using this transaction.

Labor Reporting

You can use the Labor Reporting transaction to start and stop jobs for employees. The time the employee spends working on the job is recorded and attributed to the job in your ERP system. You can start and stop these job types:

  • production orders
  • setup activities
  • indirect tasks
  • production schedules
  • just-in-time production jobs
  • projects
  • service orders
  • work center labor

See Starting Jobs and Stopping Jobs for instructions on using this transaction.

Location Inquiry

Use the Location Inquiry transaction to view the inventory quantities at a location. You can view on-hand and reserved quantities.

See Viewing Inventory at a Location for instructions on using this transaction.

Miscellaneous Issue

Use the Miscellaneous Issue transaction to issue an item for a miscellaneous reason. This transaction provides options to specify a reason code for the issue and to specify a document number.

See Issuing Miscellaneous Material for instructions on using this transaction.

Miscellaneous Receipt

Use the Miscellaneous Receipt transaction when receiving an item for a miscellaneous reason. This transaction provides options to specify a reason code for the receipt and to specify a document number.

See Receiving Miscellaneous Material for instructions on using this transaction.

Multi-Site Move

Use the Multi-Site Move transaction to move inventory from one warehouse to another. This transaction supports lot-controlled and serial-controlled items. If you do not know the source location for an item, the Multi-Site Move transaction assists by displaying a list of all locations where inventory is available for that item.

See Moving Inventory Items for instructions on using this transaction.

Partner Query

Use the Partner Query transaction to view service requests for partners. You can view all customer service requests and all service order operations assigned to a partner.

See Viewing Service Request for Partners for instructions on using this transaction.

Physical Inventory By Sheet

Use the Physical Inventory By Sheet transaction to count items using inventory sheets. You can count uncounted items or verify previous counts.

While the scanner prompts the item, lot, and serial number to be counted in a location, the Physical Inventory By Sheet transaction has an option to force you to re-enter the item, lot, serial number, and location. This allows better operational discipline during counting.

See Counting Items and Verifying Inventory Counts for instructions on using this transaction.

Physical Inventory By Tag

Use the Physical Inventory By Tag transaction to count items using inventory tags.

While the scanner prompts the item, lot, and serial number to be counted in a location, the Physical Inventory By Tag transaction has an option to force you to re-enter the item, lot, serial number, and location. This allows better operational discipline during counting.

See Counting Items for instructions on using this transaction.

PPS Packing

Use the PPS Packing transaction to pack items after they have been picked. You can only use this transaction if you are using the SyteLine Pick, Pack, and Ship module.

See Packing Items for instructions on using this transaction.

PPS Pick Confirm

Use the PPS Pick Confirm transaction to confirm pick lists. When you confirm a pick list, the pick list status is changed to Picked. You can confirm pick lists to address situations where an item on a pick list will not be picked or where picking changes have occurred that prevent a pick list status from automatically changing. You can only use this transaction if you are using the SyteLine Pick, Pack, and Ship module.

See Confirming Pick Lists for instructions on using this transaction.

PPS Picking

Use the PPS Picking transaction to pick items by pick list. Using the transaction parameters, you can require that item number, lot number, and location be scanned for verification to improve operational discipline. You can only use this transaction if you are using the SyteLine Pick, Pack, and Ship module.

See Picking Items for instructions on using this transaction.

PPS Shipping

Use the PPS Shipping transaction to ship items. You can only use this transaction if you are using the SyteLine Pick, Pack, and Ship module.

See Shipping Items for instructions on using this transaction.

Pick N Ship

Allows user to ship customer order lines from regular inventory locations for both reserve able and Non reserve able items.

See Picking and shipping items for instructions on using this transaction.

Project Material Issue

Use the Project Material Issue to perform the Syteline project resource transaction (material) and works like job material issue transaction on factory track.

Project Material Issue (Shop floor transaction)

Use the form to perform project material issue from shop floor module.

Production Schedule Reporting

Use the Production Schedule Reporting transaction to report production for repetitive manufacturing processes where production schedules are used instead of job orders. You can configure this transaction to either report production to a fixed floor location or to combine item put away, depending on the business process requirements.

See Reporting Items Completed During Scheduled Production for instructions on using this transaction.

Purchase Order Receipt

Use the Purchase Order Receipt transaction to receive raw material to a default receiving dock location or to put away items into a warehouse location. You can receive items using a standard purchase order or using a GRN number. You can configure this transaction to immediately put away goods (one-step receiving), or you can use a separate Putaway transaction. If you use the one-step receiving put away option, you can put items away in a default put away location, specify a different location, or select from a list of warehouse locations in which the item is currently stored. This transaction supports lot-controlled and serial-controlled items.

See Receiving Items from Purchase Orders for instructions on using this transaction.


Use the standalone Putaway transaction if you have not opted to combine putaway with other transactions (such as the receiving transactions). The Putaway transaction provides a built-in consolidation logic. Instead of putting an item away to a random or any empty location, you can select from a list of locations where the item is already available, thereby consolidating items into a smaller pool of locations.

See Putting Away Items for instructions on using this transaction.

Receipt Label Print

Use this transaction form to print labels for a warehouse receipt. The labels include the inbouding data entered on the scanner.

See Printing Warehouse Receipt Labels

QCS Disposition

Use the QCS Disposition transaction to perform inventory disposition at an inspection location. As part of this transaction, you can transfer items to standard inventory locations, hold items at the inspection location, and destroy items.

See Performing Inventory Disposition for Inspected Items for instructions on using this transaction.

QCS Test Record

Use the QCS Test Record transaction to generate quality tests and to record test results.

See Recording Test Results for instructions on using this transaction.

Quantity Adjustments

Use the Quantity Adjustment transaction to adjust the quantity of an item at a specified inventory location. Instead of requiring you to manually calculate the quantity to be adjusted, this scanner transaction prompts you to specify the new quantity and the reason for the adjustment, then performs the balance calculation. You cannot use this transaction for lot-controlled or serial-controlled items.

See Adjusting Item Quantities for instructions on using this transaction.

SRO Material

Use the SRO Material transaction to issue material to or recall material from service repair orders. You can search for service orders using a partner number or an employee number.

See Issuing Material to Service Repair Ordersand Recalling Material from Service Repair Orders for instructions on using this transaction.

Stock Move

Use the Stock Move transaction to move material from one location to another location within a warehouse. This transaction supports lot-controlled and serial-controlled items. If you do not know the source location for an item, the Stock Move transaction assists by displaying a list of all locations where inventory is available for that item.

See Moving Inventory Items for instructions on using this transaction.

Transfer Order Receipt

Use the Transfer Order Receipt transaction to receive raw material to a default receiving dock location or to put away items into a warehouse location. You can configure this transaction to immediately put away goods (one-step receiving), or you can use a separate Putaway transaction. If you use the one-step receiving put away option, you can put items away in a default put away location, specify a different location, or select from a list of warehouse locations in which the item is currently stored. This transaction supports lot-controlled and serial-controlled items.

See Receiving Items from Transfer Orders for instructions on using this transaction.

Transfer Order Shipping

Use the Transfer Order Shipping transaction to ship items from one site or warehouse to another.

See Shipping Items for instructions on using this transaction.

WIP Move

Use the Work In Progress Move transaction to move completed items to the next operation on a job. You can use the WIP Move transaction to complete an operation, close a job, and combine item put away.

See Moving Items to the Next Operation for instructions on using this transaction.

Work Center Material Issue

Use the Work Center Material Issue transaction to issue material to work centers or to recall previously issued material. There are two ways you can use this transaction:

  • to issue material from inventory
  • to recall issued material

See Issuing Material to Work Centers for instructions on using this transaction.