Processing Payroll

After all labor records in a scheduled pay period have been approved and processed by operations personnel, you can process payroll . After payroll is processed, this can be exported to the payroll extract.

Note:  After payroll is processed, operations personnel will no longer be able to modify records using the Hours Summary and Hours Detail forms. To modify records after payroll processing, see Modifying Payroll Records After Processing.
  1. Open the Payroll Summary form.
  2. On the Payroll Summary form, specify selection criteria to determine which payroll records appear in the Records Grid. Specify a payroll schedule from the Payroll ID list. Use the Payroll ID arrows to show the previous or subsequent payroll schedule in the list.
    Note:  See Configuring Payroll Schedules for information on creating payroll schedules.
  3. Specify a range of pay periods, employees, employee types, work groups, departments, and/or shifts to show. Leave a field blank to show all available records for that type.
  4. Records that match your specified selection criteria are displayed in the bottom grid.
  5. To only display records that are ready for approval and processing, select the Submitted filter. Ensure all other filters are cleared.
  6. Select the check box to the left of each record you are processing. Optionally, click the Select All button to select all records.
  7. To calculate premium records for the selected records, click the Calculate Premium button in the toolbar. Premium records are created.
  8. Select the Premium Calculated filter, and clear the Submitted filter. The records for which premiums have been calculated and the premium records are displayed.
  9. Select the check box to the left of each record you are processing. Optionally, click the Select All button to select all records.
  10. Click Payroll Process in the toolbar.