Modifying Individual Payroll Records After Processing
Open the Payroll Details form.
From the list at the left, or from the Employee list, specify an employee.
Specify values for Payroll ID (payroll schedule) and Pay Period.
- Values for the Status , Pay Period Complete , and Export Date are displayed. These values depend on the specified employee and pay period.
- Values for the Start Date and End Date fields are displayed. These values depend on the specified payroll schedule and pay period.
- A grid at the bottom, showing detailed payroll information for each report date within the specified pay period, is displayed. At least one record is displayed for each report date. Additional records are displayed for each absence processed on that report date, or for each clocked or absence record eligible for a premium.
Modify the record values in the grid.
Click Save. The total fields in the Extract Calculation section are adjusted to reflect your changes. These adjusted totals are displayed in red to indicate that they have been modified after processing.