Creating Records Using the Elapsed Time Details Form

Use the Elapsed Time Details form to create the records for the employee with elapsed working hours.

To create records:

  1. Select Open > Elapsed Time Details form.
  2. Specify a report date.
  3. Select the Daily Labor Information tab or the Week Labor Information tab.
  4. Select Select All.
  5. Click New in the toolbar.
  6. Specify this information:
    • Order line: The code of the order.
    • Order type: The type of the order.
    • Order number: The serial number of the order.
    • Suffix:
    • Operation: The operation name.
    • Setup: If you select this check box, the setup time is updated for the employee with elapsed working hours.
    • Task code: The code of the task.
    • Absence code: The reason code for absence or leave.
    • Quantity of hours worked: The number of working hours of the employee.
    • Labor type: The labor type of the employee.
    • Work center: The name of the work center.
    • Machine: The machine code related to the Production Order.
      Note: This field is displayed, only if, the value in the Order Type field is Production Order
    • Machine Ratio: The machine ratio determines the labor that is reported for the machine.
    • Cost Code: The cost code.
    • Quantity completed: The number of completed quantity.
    • Quantity rejected: The number of rejected quantity.
    • Rejection reason code: The reason code for the rejected quantity.
    • Complete Operation: The status of the operation.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click Submit to update the record in the ERP.
  9. Click Approve to approve records at the end of the day.