Scheduling Archive Logging with a Background Task

  1. Open the Audit Control Form.
  2. Select Setup Background Process.
  3. Configure Background Task
    1. Select Recurrence:
      • Once: initiates the task to run immediately 1 time
      • All Other Selections: Configures a long running Active Background Task to run per the frequency options selected
    2. Select Recurrence Date Range
      • The current date defaults as the start date
      • No end date defaults as the end date
        • Clear No End Date checkbox to specify an end date
    3. Select Ok
      • A background task for FTArchiveAuditDataSp is created and can be seen on the Active Background Task form.
      • A background task for FTArchiveAuditDataSp is immediately run.
      • The Audit Control form is updated to indicate the last time the FTArchiveAuditDataSp task is processed.