Creating multiple planned absences at a time

Use the Planned Absences transaction form to manually create multiple absence records for the employee.

To create multiple planned leaves:

  1. Select Form > Open > Planned Absences. You can also access the Hours Summary form or Hours Detail form and click Planned Absences.
  2. Use selection criteria to display the records that are to have leave created for the employee.
  3. Specify an Absence code.
  4. Select the value in the Absence field. Possible values are:
    • Partial
    • Full Day
  5. Specify the range of times for the absence, if the Absence filed is set to Partial. The time must be specified in the HHMM format.
    Note: The Employee field and Date field are not displayed.
  6. Click Submit. Planned leaves are created for the employees and leave report dates are selected on the Hours Summary form.
  7. Specify this information:
    • A confirmation message is displayed that confirms the number of leaves.
    • The leave records are not displayed, if the Approved check box is not selected.