Configuring the Punch Parameters tab
Specify this information on the Punch Parameters tab:
- Clock In Rules
- Defines adjustments and tolerances that must be
applied to attendance transactions entered for a schedule punch time.
- Grace Time
- Specify a grace period before or after the scheduled clock-in, clock-out, lunch/break punch-out, and lunch/break punch-in times. Grace times are expressed in minutes and represent the amount of time for which a variance from the scheduled punch event will be accepted without an error. Punches that occur within the grace period will be adjusted to the scheduled in or out time. Punches that occur outside the grace period will not adjust and will go into an exception status. The Error Code field in the Hours Detail form explains the exceptions.
- Tolerances
- Specify a period outside of the grace period where punches will be accepted without triggering an adjustment or exception. Tolerances are expressed in minutes. Punches that occur outside of the grace period but within the tolerance period will be adjusted or put into exception status. Punches that occur outside the tolerance period will not adjust and will go into an exception status. The Error Code field in the Hours Detail form explains the exceptions.
- Remarks Required
- Each Tolerance field has a corresponding check box labeled, “Remarks Required.” When the check box is left blank no remark is required to authorize a punch outside of the tolerance. When the field is checked, the user will need to enter a remark before they will be allowed to authorize the exception on the punch.
- Job/Indirect Tasks
- Specify these information:
- Auto Stop Clock Out
- Select this option to automatically stop the employee's running job when they clock out.
- Auto Start Clock In
- When this option is selected, a job that was automatically stopped on the previous clock out will be restarted.
- Auto Stop Lunch/Break Stop
- Select this option to automatically stop the employee's running job when they clock out for a lunch or a break. When this option is cleared and a running job exists when a clock out is attempted, the user will be prompted to close the running job before attempting to clock out.
- Auto Start Lunch/Break Start
- When this option is selected, a job that was automatically stopped on the previous clock out for a lunch or a break will be restarted when clocking back in. When this option is cleared, no job will be started when clocking in from a lunch or break.
- Max Auto Adjustment Between Jobs
- Specify the maximum duration that a job start may be adjusted back to eliminate a gap in labor activity. This parameter is used to eliminate gaps between attendance transactions or to eliminate gaps between the current job start and the last job stop. If the time gap is larger than the value specified, then no adjustment will occur, and the unaccounted-for time will create a booking error (B status) for the record. The format is HHMM and the default value is 0 (zero minutes).
- ERP Fill Code
- Specify the indirect task used when you click on the Hours Summary form or Hours Detail form. This task must be a valid task as defined on the tasks form.
- Max Gap Without Exception
- Specify the maximum length of time a gap record may have without generating an exception. Gap records with durations less than the value in this field will be accepted without exception. The format is HHMM and the default value is 0 (zero minutes).
- Auto Fill Gaps
- Select this option to automatically fill all gaps.
- Adjust Last Job When Clock Out
- If this check box is selected, auto adjust does not take place on the stop time of the last job. Any gap between the last job stop and clock out is filled with a Gap record.
- Overtime
- Specify these information:
- Authorize OT Required
- Select to put Hours Summary records that are greater than the specified shift day into Exception status. If this check box is cleared, the Authorized OT and Double time is added to the standard shift day to determine the threshold for hours worked in a day before putting the record into Exception status..
- Complete Week Required For
- If there is no requirement that a complete week be worked in order to receive overtime, leave this field blank or select None. If there is no complete week requirement for overtime, but there is a requirement for double time, select Double Time. If there is a requirement for overtime and double time, select Both. The workcodes specified in this form are applied to the hours clocked on the non-working days of the shift week when a complete week requirement is not met. There are two sets of parameters, one for the Weekly OT methods and the other for the Daily and Weekly OT methods. When a complete week is met the work codes specified in the employee’s shift are applied to hours worked on non-working days.
- Complete Week Not Met For OT
- Specify the work code to use on non-working days when the complete week requirement for overtime is not met. If the complete week requirement is met, hours clocked on non-working days will use the work code specified for the shift.
- Complete Week Not Met for DT
- Specify the work code to use on non-working days when the complete week requirement for double time is not met. If the complete week requirement is met, hours clocked on non-working days will use the work code specified for the shift.
- Daily and Weekly OT
- In the Daily and Weekly OT method, overtime is
determined by the number of hours worked during each shift day. When a
complete week is worked, usually the overtime and double time thresholds are
lower on the non-working days. However, if a complete week is not met, the
non-working days use standard thresholds or thresholds that are higher than
those specified for the shift. The Daily and Weekly parameters are stated in
HHMM format.
- Complete Week Not Met for Reg
- Specify the number of regular hours to be worked in a day before hours are categorized as overtime, if a complete week is not worked. For a dynamic shift, these are the first hours worked. For a static shift, these are the first hours worked after the shift start.
- Complete Week Not Met for OT
- Specify the number of overtime hours in a day that can be worked before hours are categorized as Double time.
- Complete Week Not Met for DT
- Specify the number of double time hours that can be worked before the report date is put into Exception status for too many hours worked.
- Complete Week Not Met for OT Before Shift
- Configure this field only if hours are booked against shifts that are Static AND contain a Daily component in the OT Method. Specify the number of OT hours to authorize prior to shift start.
- Complete Week Not Met for DT Before Shift
- Configure this field only if hours are booked against shifts that are Static AND contain a Daily component in the OT Method. Specify the number of DT hours to authorize prior to start of OT Before Shift. Hours entered prior to this threshold triggers an exceptions for working too many hours on a report date.