Configuring Audit Control System

To configure the Audit Control System, Open the Audit Control Form. Perform these steps to activate the system:

  1. Set Enable Audit Logging to Yes.
    • Activates the Mongoose Audit Logging features
    • Required to activate Time Track transaction or Configuration logs
  2. Select Transaction History to activate logging on Clocked transactions.
  3. Select Elapsed Transaction History to activate logging on Elapsed time transactions.
  4. Select Payroll Transaction History to activate logging on Payroll processing transactions.
  5. Select Configuration forms to activate audit logging on those forms.
  6. Select Save to Initiate Audit Logging.
    • Last Archived are updated to the initiation date.
    • Logs are archived by default to every 30 days.
    • Each time logs are archived the last archived date is updated.