Signing In as a Generic User

Use the Employee Authentication form to sign in as a generic user. As a generic user you are able to perform transactions using the Work Center Navigation Home and Work Center forms. Upon performing a full transaction as a generic user, you will need to sign in again using the Employee Authentication form before performing another transaction. Only transactions that have Discrete Transaction parameter is selected are considered full transactions for this purpose. If the Discrete Transaction parameter is cleared for a transaction, you will not be forced to sign in again after performing that transaction as a generic user.

  1. Log into Factory Track using a user account that is not linked to an employee. The Employee Authentication form is displayed.
  2. Specify your badge ID and PIN number. You only need to specify a PIN number if the PIN Required parameter is selected on the Global Parameters form.
  3. Select Sign In.

After signing in, you can end your session as a generic user by selecting the close button in the top left corner of the Employee Authentication form. This close button is only available if the Allow Generic Employee to End Session parameter is selected on the Global Parameters form.