Assigning Serial Numbers

Use the Serial Number Assignment form to assign serial numbers to items being received, issued, or returned. You can open the Serial Number Assignment form by clicking the serial number arrow button on any of these parent forms:

  • Build Container
  • Empty Container
  • End Run
  • End Run Only
  • End Machine
  • End Team Run
  • Job Receipt
  • Job Material Issue
  • Job Material Return
  • Job Move
  • Just-In-Time Production
  • Production Schedule Receipt
  • QCS Disposition
  • Team Member Reporting
  • Work Center Material Issue

To assign serial numbers to items:

  1. On the parent form, select the arrow button to open the Serial Number Assignment form. The item number and description from the parent form is displayed along with the required, selected, and remaining quantities.
    • The Items or component page displays this label: 1 of 1 Assigned to indicate the number of assigned items.
    • If the item assignment screen displays a job or end item without components assigned, the application displays this message: No Components Assigned.
  2. Optionally, generate or specify serial numbers. To generate serial numbers, select Generate. Serial numbers are generated for the remaining item quantity. You can only generate serial numbers for items that you are receiving. To specify serial numbers, scan serial numbers in the Serial Entry field. The generated or specified serial numbers are selected in the grid.
  3. In the grid, select the serial numbers you are assigning. If you generated or specified serial numbers, they are already selected. To deselect serial numbers, select Un-Select All.
  4. To assign the selected serial numbers, select the green process button. To close the form without assigning serial numbers, select the Close button.