Supervisor Labor Stop

Use this form to stop or delete transactions, including transactions that started on another report date. For example, if an employee forgets to stop a transaction within a report date, you can use this form to stop that transaction. This form also allows the supervisor to delete a transaction if an employee incorrectly starts a job. Only supervisors and administrators are authorized to use this form. When the Time Track module is active this transaction is not available.

  • When the Time Track functionality is implemented, you cannot access the Supervisor Labor Stop screen. The Employee Time must be managed through time track when time track is implemented message is displayed.
  • When the Supervisor tries to stop a job running longer than the value specified in the Elapsed time cut-off parameter, the Do you want to let the task run longer than the ‘Elapsed Time Cut off’? message is displayed. Select Yes to end the job and No to continue the job. You can reset the time specified in the parameter.

The user can view employee number and employee name on the forms.

  • Employee Number: The number from the ERP that used to identify the employee.
  • Employee Name: The name of the employee associated with the employee number that comes from the ERP.