Creating Kanbans (Kanban Create)

Kanban Create is a transaction belonging to the Kanban Sub-Menu on the Warehouse Mobility icon based and list based menus. This transaction is used to create a new Kanban ID for a particular item/location.

On the Kanban Sub-Menu:

  1. Select Kanban Create.
  2. Specify this information:
    Kanban ID
    If you are using pre-defined Kanban numbers, scan the Kanban number. If you are not using pre-defined Kanban numbers, this field is not displayed, and a Kanban number is automatically generated.
    Kanban Location
    Scan a location.
    Item Number
    Scan an item number.
    Number of Kanbans
    The number of Kanbans on the current Kanban loop is displayed.
    Specify whether you are creating a temporary Kanban. If you are creating a temporary Kanban, you must specify a replenishment limit, an expiry date, or both.
    Number of Loops
    This field is only available for temporary Kanbans. Optionally, specify how many times this Kanban can be replenished before it is canceled.
    Expiry Date
    This field is only available for temporary Kanbans. Optionally, specify the date that the Kanban will be canceled.
    Print Labels
    Specify whether or not to print labels for the Kanban.
    Select a printer. This field is only available if you selected Yes in the Print Labels field.
    Number of Labels
    Specify how many labels to print. This field is only available if you selected Yes in the Print Labels field.
  3. Select Process.