Using scan to book

  1. Select the Scan To Book icon from the Production menu. The Scan To Book transaction form is displayed.
  2. Specify or review this information:
    Handling Unit
    The handling unit ID that has to be scanned.
    The production order number.
    Customer Item
    The customer item linked to the production order.
    The main item of the production order.
    Packaging Item
    The Packaging Item associated with the Handling Unit.
    Note: This can be modified if required.
    Packaging Item Qty
    The number of packaging units associated with the Handling Unit.
    Note: This can be modified if required.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Specify or review this information:
    Lot Number
    The lot number that has to be scanned if the item is lot-controlled.
    Maximum Quantity
    The maximum item quantity that can be reported for the handling unit.
    Actual Quantity
    The actual item quantity currently reported for the given handling unit.
    The current item quantity that is reported.
    The item quantity that is rejected.
    Reject Code
    The valid reject code if any quantity is rejected.
    The option to indicate the order as completed.
    To Inventory
    Select this check box to move the scanned quantity to inventory.
    Re-print labels
    Select this check box to re-print the labels.
  5. Click Process.
  6. A Successful message is displayed. Click OK.
    Note: If this item is serially controlled specify or review this information:
    Quantity Remaining
    The number of serial items yet (remaining) to be reported.
    Reject Remaining
    The number of serial items remaining to be rejected.
    The option to indicate if the serial item must be accepted or rejected.
    Serial Number
    The serial number of the item that has to be scanned.