Specifying general Warehouse Mobility parameters

Use the Warehouse Mobility - General Parameters form to specify general parameters for Warehouse Mobility transactions performed on handheld scanners. The parameters you specify on this form override those specified with the Warehouse Mobility Administration Tool, if there are conflicts.

To specify general parameters for Warehouse Mobility:

  1. Select Warehouse Mobility > Warehouse Mobility - General Parameters.
  2. From the grid, select the top row that has the Actual Set description.
  3. On the Receipt tab, specify this information:
    Specify a description for this parameter set. For example, Parameter Set defined on 2013-03-12 8:40.
    Factory Track Implemented
    Select if Factory Track functionality is implemented
    Add lots in Receiving
    Select to assign lot numbers to items after the items are received.
    Receive in Inventory Unit
    Select to receive all items in the standard unit of measure.
    Each Receipt Final Receipt
    Select to designate all receipts as final.
    Default Receipt Series
    Select the check box to use the default series for all the receipts processed by barcode scanners.
    Receipt Series
    The series number assigned to receipts in Infor LN is displayed.
  4. On the Picking tab, specify this information:
    Pre-Defined Stage Location for Pick/Pack
    Specify the default staging location for items when picked or packed.
    Stage Run Number
    Specify the default run number to be used when picking on the scanner.
    Picked Zone
    Specify the zone used to determine whether items have been picked. Whenever a pick is performed on the scanner, the goods are transferred to a location in this zone
    Allow Overpick for Production Raw Material Issue
    Select to allow quantities greater than the issued quantity for production to be picked.
    Production Overpick – Tolerance Percentage
    This is the acceptable tolerance for overpick against production orders.
    Production Overpick – Hard Stop on Quantity
    When selected, this indicates whether overpick must result in a hard stop.
    Allow Overpick for Transfer Issue
    Select to allow quantities greater than the issued quantity for transfer to be picked.
    Transfer Overpick – Tolerance Percentage
    This is the acceptable tolerance for overpick against transfer orders.
    Transfer Overpick – Hard Stop on Quantity
    When selected, this indicates whether overpick must result in a hard stop.
  5. On the Production tab, specify this information:
    Allow Backflush
    Select to automatically issue production based on bill of material specifications when an operation or order is reported.
    Report Order if last operation
    Select to automatically report an order when the last operation is completed.
    Accept Questions during Report Operation
    When selected this indicate that all the questions triggered during the Report Operation process must automatically be answered.
    Accept Questions during Report Production
    When seleced to indicate that all questions triggered during the Report Production process should be automatically answered in the affirmative.
    Production History
    Select to track production by shift.
    Track Over Issue Transfer
    Select to track issued inventory quantities that are greater than the ordered quantities.
    Over Issue Number Group
    This parameter is available if you select Track Over Issue Transfer. Specify the number group for over issue transfer series.
    Over Issue Number Series
    This parameter is available if you select Track Over Issue Transfer. Specify the number prefix for over issue transfers.
  6. On the Transfer tab, specify this information:
    Generate Warehouse Order for Intra Warehouse Transfers
    Select to generate transfer orders for inventory transfers within a warehouse.
    Use Default Transfer Order Type and Series
    Select this option to use the default series for all the transfers processed by barcode scanners.
    Transfer Order Type
    This parameter is available if you do not select the option to use the default type and series. Specify the type of transfer order to create for inventory transfers.
    Transfer Series
    The series number assigned to Transfers in Infor LN is displayed.
  7. On the General tab, specify this information:
    User Name for Profile Template
    Specify the Infor LN user name.
    Reference Identifier Implemented
    Select to use Reference ID shortcuts.
    Reference Identifier Search Priority
    Specify the order in which to resolve Reference ID values. For example, you specify Serial Number for Priority 1 and Handling Unit for Priority 2. A user then specifies a value in a Reference ID field. The system will first search for a serial number that matches that value, then, if it fails to do so, it will search for a matching Handling Unit.
    • When using Serial Number as a Reference ID, users should scan a barcode containing both the serial number and item number in this format: Serial Number~Item Number.
    • To use Lot Code as a Reference ID, the lot codes used in your organization must each be restricted to one stock point. If single lot codes exist at multiple stock points, the Lot Code Reference ID has no effect.
  8. Click Save.