Configuring Receipts Transaction Parameters

Use the Transaction Set Maintenance form to configure parameters for the Receipts transaction.

  1. Go to Transaction Set Maintenance form > Transaction Name > Receipt.
  2. Select Fill Warehouse checkbox to pre-fill the warehouse on the transaction with the warehouse assigned to the user.
    • You can change this warehouse for a specific transaction if required.
    • If you are configuring parameters that only applicable for a specific warehouse, the same warehouse is displayed in the Warehouse field.
    • If you are configuring general parameters, which are applicable by default in the application, the Warehouse field is unspecified and unavailable.
  3. Select Successful Message checkbox to display a success message when the transaction is successfully completed.
  4. Select a Default Order Type for this transaction from the available values.
    Note: You can change this value.
  5. Configure this parameter on the Transaction Parameters tab, in the Parameter and Value columns.
    Reference ID in Use
    Select this checkbox for specifying a Reference ID at the beginning of this transaction. For more information, see Reference IDs
  6. Configure these order type-specific parameters on the Order Type Parameters tab, in the Parameter and Value columns.
    Note: The order type parameters are only applicable to this transaction when a user is receiving an individual receipt line.
    Filter by Warehouse
    Select this checkbox for receiving items in the assigned warehouse.
    Override LN Activities
    Select this checkbox to override the LN activities that interfere with this transaction.
    Execute LN Activities
    Select this checkbox to run the related tasks within the current transaction. If the task is not performed, the entire transaction fails, and the application displays an error message.
    Note: Clear this checkbox to run subsequent automatic tasks that are not included in the current transaction.
    Set Pack Slip Quantity to Open Quantity
    Select this checkbox for specifying the unit of measure(UOM) to receive items. For example, if a one box has five pieces as defined in Infor LN, the user can receive an item quantity of one box and not five individual pieces.
    Allow User to Enter Final Receipt
    Select this checkbox for providing a final receipt for the transactions.
    Input Lot Certificate Code
    Select this checkbox for specifying a certificate code, that is used in linking a document to the item lot number.
    Enter Received Quantity
    Select this checkbox to specify the received quantity. Clear this checkbox to automatically receive the quantity listed on the packing slip.
    Prefill Received Quantity with Pack Slip Quantity
    Select this checkbox to use the packing slip quantity as the default value for the Received Quantity field.
    • This parameter is only displayed if the Enter Received Quantity parameter is selected.
    • You can change this value.
    Enter Inspection Flag
    Select this checkbox, whether to inspect received items. Clear this checkbox to inspect or do not inspect items based on the assigned roles in Infor LN.
    Include Fully Received Open Inbound Lines
    Select this checkbox to display all the lines for an order, even if received fully.
    Enter Inventory Date
    Select this checkbox for specifying an inventory date for date-controlled items that are received. Clear this checkbox to always use the current date added to the shelf life of the item for the inventory date.
    Enter Receipt Date
    Select this checkbox to specify the receipt date.
    Enter Kanban ID
    Select this checkbox to scan Kanban IDs in place of order and item numbers.
    Inventory Time
    Set a time to record for any date-controlled items that are received.
    Input UOM
    Select this checkbox to specify the unit of measure(UOM) used to receive items. For example, if a one box has five pieces as defined in Infor LN, the user can receive an item quantity of one box and not five individual pieces.
    Receipt Series in Use
    Select this checkbox to enable the Receipt Series field in the transaction form.
    Note: If this parameter is cleared, the application defaults the receipt series and does not allow the override option for the receipt series that is used in LN.
    Receipt Series
    The default value type available in the Receipts Series List form.
    • This field is enabled only if the Receipt Series in Use parameter is selected.
    • Based on the specified value, the related transaction form populates the same Receipt series type.
    Select this checkbox to perform putaway transactions within this transaction. Putaway parameters are stored at a Group level for consistency but can be copied down to the individual transaction if required.
    Release inbound
    Select this checkbox to automatically release inbound orders for putaway.
    Note: This parameter is only displayed if the Putaway parameter is selected.
    Default run no
    The run number associated to the transaction. This parameter value is always used by the transaction.
    Note: This parameter is only displayed if the Putaway parameter is selected.
    Popup Location
    Select this checkbox to locate the putaway locations from the available list.
    • This parameter is only displayed if the Putaway parameter is selected.
    • If you select this checkbox, you should also select one of these parameters:

      Use fixed locations

      Use empty locations

      Consolidate inventory

    No of Locations
    The maximum amount of location to display in the popup list.
    Note: This parameter is only displayed if the Popup Location parameter is selected.
    Use fixed locations
    Select this checkbox to locate the putaway locations that are defined in Infor LN as fixed locations for the item.
    Note: This parameter is only displayed if the Popup Location parameter is selected.
    Use Empty Locations
    Select this checkbox to display empty locations in the available list.
    Note: This parameter is only displayed if the Popup Location parameter is selected.
    Check Capacity
    Select this checkbox to only display locations with sufficient capacity in the available list.
    Note: This parameter is only displayed if the Empty Locations parameter is selected.
    Check Storage Locations
    Select this checkbox to only display locations that are accepted for the items in the available list.
    Note: This parameter is only displayed if the Empty Locations parameter is selected.
    Consolidate Inventory
    Select this checkbox to direct inventory receipts to existing stocks of the same item. If you select this parameter, the options list only displays locations containing a positive quantity of the item that must be transferred. Specify the required location.
    Note: This parameter is only displayed if the Popup Location parameter is selected.
    Highest Inventory First
    Select this checkbox to list locations with the highest quantity of the item first. Clear this checkbox to list locations with the lowest quantity of the item first.
    Note: This parameter is only displayed if the Consolidate Inventory parameter is selected.
    Include all Fixed Locations
    Select this checkbox to list all the fixed locations for the item even if they have a quantity of zero.
    Note: This parameter is only displayed if the Consolidate Inventory parameter is selected.
    Prefill Location
    Select this checkbox to specify the Location field. If this parameter is selected, you must also select one of these parameters:
    • Use Default Location
    • Use fixed locations
    • Use LN Logic for inbound
    • Consolidate Inventory
    Use Default Location
    Select this checkbox to specify a default location putaway location to use for this location.
    Note: This parameter is only displayed if the Prefill Locations parameter is selected.
    Default Location
    Specify a default putaway location for this transaction.
    Note: This parameter is only displayed if the Use Default Location parameter is selected.
    Use fixed locations
    Select this checkbox to use the first fixed location of the item as the default putaway location for this transaction. If the item has no fixed locations, the Location field is not specified.
    Note: This parameter is only displayed if the Prefill Locations parameter is selected.
    Use LN Logic for inbound
    Select this checkbox to use Infor LN's inbound advice rules to specify a default putaway location.
    Note: This parameter is only displayed if the Prefill Locations parameter is selected.
    Consolidate Inventory
    Select this checkbox to specify the Location field with the highest or lowest quantity, based on the selection of the Highest Inventory First parameter for the item.
    Note: This parameter is only displayed if the Prefill Locations parameter is selected.
    Highest Inventory First
    Select this checkbox to use the location with the highest quantity of the item as the default location. Clear this checkbox to use the location with the lowest quantity.
    Note: This parameter is only displayed if the Consolidate Inventory parameter is selected.
    Crossdocking Enabled
    Select this checkbox to allow users to perform cross transactions from this transaction.
    Print Handling Unit Labels before Crossdock
    Select this checkbox to print handling unit barcode labels prior to the crossdock transaction.
    Note: This parameter is only displayed if the Crossdocking Enabled checkbox is selected parameter is selected.
    Print Serial Labels before Crossdock
    Select this checkbox to print serial number barcode labels prior to the crossdock transaction.
    Note: This parameter is available if you select Crossdocking Enabled.
    Support Lot Splitting
    Select this checkbox, to allow split functionality of a single receipt into multiple lots using the existing Lot Splitting logic. Clear this checkbox, to retain each receipt to a single lot only.
  7. Configure label printing parameters for this transaction on the Order Type Parameters tab, in the Parameter and Value columns. See Configuring Label Printing Settings for Specific Transactions, Warehouses, and Order Types for more information.
  8. Specify this information for each order type on the Order Types tab:
    Select this checkbox to allow this order type to be used in this transaction.
    Specific Parameters
    Select this checkbox to use order-specific parameter settings for this order type. Clear this checkbox to use the default parameter settings for this order type.
  9. Click Save.