Configuring Shifts

To configure shift parameters, use the Shifts form.

  1. Open the Shifts form.
  2. On the Shifts form, select a shift from the grid, then specify this information:
    Select to allow users to clock in using this shift.
    Report Date Adjustment
    This field pertains to shifts that start on one date and end on the following date. Specify Previous Day to report all clocked hours on the clock-in date. Specify Current Day to report all hours on the day they occur. Specify Next Day to report all clocked hours on the clock-out date.
    Logical Midnight
    Specify the time at which the report date changes from today's date to tomorrow's date. You can set the time when employees are not expected to clock in. This is typically 12 hours from the midpoint of a shift.
    Logical Midnight Adjustment
    This feature is not yet implemented. Select Previous Day.
    Shift Type
    Specify Dynamic or Static. Static shifts are fixed to the shift start and end times. Regardless of where the punches occur on the report date, the hours between Start and Stop must be accounted for with clocked hours or absence hours. Dynamic shifts do not require an absence to be created to account for unclocked time during the shift. For dynamic shifts, a supervisor's authorization is sufficient to account for any unclocked time during the shift.
    Overtime Calculation Method
    Specify Weekly, Daily, Daily and Weekly, or California.
    • Weekly uses the value from the Overtime Threshold field to set an overtime threshold. Clocked and OT Eligible hours accumulate through the shift week as regular hours. Upon reaching the overtime threshold, the hours begin to categorize as overtime hours.
    • Daily uses the hours specified on the Authorized Hours tab to define how many regular hours to book before booking overtime hours.
    • Daily and Weekly uses authorized hours to determine daily hours categorizations, then uses the overtime threshold to determine how to categorize hours on non-working days.
    • California uses a combination of Authorized Hours and the Weekly OT Threshold to categorized hours in the manner that provides the employee with the greatest amount of OT hours.
    • California: This method uses the categorized hours and the weekly threshold to set the OT hours for the employees.
      Note: When the Overtime Method is set to California the following fields are displayed:
      • 7th Day
      • Include All Worked Hours To OTThreshold
      • Non OTEHours To Weekly Threshold
      • Count Daily Authorized Only
    Overtime Threshold
    The point at which the accumulation of clocked hours and the overtime time eligible absence hours are categorized as Overtime. Specify a value that is equivalent to the shift’s definition of a complete week. The Weekly and the Daily and Weekly overtime methods use this value to set the weekly overtime threshold.
    Double time Threshold
    The point at which the accumulation of clocked hours and the overtime time eligible absence hours are categorized as Double Time. The default value is set to 6000. For example, for a 40-hour regular work week plus a requirement of 20 hours of overtime, the Double Time Threshold is 6000 (60 hours).

    The California method uses the value in this field to set the double time threshold on the 7th consecutive day of the work week.

    Example: On shift days 1 to 6, the double time threshold may be set for 12 hours but on the 7th consecutive day the threshold is modified to 4 hours. To set the 7th day threshold to 4 hours, specify 400 in the double time field.

    Note: The Daily method does not consider this value.

    7th Day
    The method to calculate the work hours of the employee for the 7th day. Some companies only use the double time threshold value to calculate the 7th day work hours.
    Note: A work day is defined as a day that comprises of both the clock-in and the clock-out hours, regardless of the duration between the clock-in and the clock-out hours.

    Possible values to calculate the hours for the 7th Day are:

    • Shift Week: The work hours for the seventh consecutive day is calculated based on the week defined for the shift.
    • Mon - Sun: The work hours for the seventh consecutive day is calculated in the interval of Monday to Sunday, so the measurement period resets every Monday.
    • Sun - Sat: The work hours for the seventh consecutive day is calculated in the interval of Sunday to Saturday, so the measurement period resets every Sunday.
    • Rolling7: The work hours for the seventh consecutive day is calculated based on any series of seven consecutive days that meets the criteria of a work day.
    • None: The work hours for the seventh consecutive days are not calculated.
    Include All Worked Hours To OTThreshold
    If this check box is selected, all clocked hours count towards the weekly OT threshold.
    Note: The default configuration in the California overtime method is to only count regular hours, including Overtime Eligible Absence hours towards the weekly OT threshold.
    Non OTEHours to Weekly Threshold
    If this check box is selected, Non-Overtime Eligible Absence hours are not calculated towards the daily OT Thresholds but are calculated towards the Weekly OT threshold.
    Count Daily Authorized Only
    When this parameter is set to No, the overtime eligible absence hours in addition to the daily authorized regular hours are considered for the calculation of the weekly OT Threshold. When this parameter is set to Yes, the overtime eligible absence hours in addition to the daily authorized regular hours consider the daily authorized number of regular hours to calculate the weekly OT threshold.
    • When Include All Worked Hours To OTThreshold checkbox is selected and the Count Daily Authorized Only checkbox is selected,the hours used to calculate towards the Weekly OT threshold is limited to only the total number of authorized hours for the day (Regular + Overtime + Double Time).
    • When Include All Worked Hours To OTThreshold checkbox is selected and the Count Daily Authorized Only checkbox is cleared, all clocked hours and Overtime Eligible Absence hours are considered for the Weekly OT threshold.
  3. Specify hourly Labor Type codes for regular, overtime, and double time hours. In Static shift, specify hourly labor types for overtime and double time that occurs before the scheduled shift as well. These codes must match valid labor type codes used in the ERP.
  4. To define the shift week, use the seven day inline lists immediately above the Core Times and Authorized Hours tabs. Set the leftmost field to the day that represents the first day of the shift week. After you set the first day, the next six fields fill sequentially.
  5. On the Core Times tab, specify the start time, end time, and reduction set for this shift on each day. Then, specify this information:
    Work Code
    Specify one of these codes:
    • Eligible for Overtime : All hours mustl be categorized based on the OT Method selected for the shift.
    • Regular: All hours clocked in this day will be categorized as regular.
    • Overtime: All hours clocked on this day will be categorized as overtime.
    • Double Time: All hours clocked on this day will be categorized as double time.
    Day Type
    Specify one of these types:
    • Working Day: Regular clock-in rules and exceptions are applied.
    • Non-Work Day: Clock-in rules are suspended and absence hours cannot be generated on a non-working day. Authorized hours for the shift day are still in effect, so exceptions may occur when clocked hours exceed authorized hours.
    • Not Allowed: No clock-ins will be permitted on this day.
  6. On the Authorized Hours tab, specify this information for each day:
    Specify the total number of permissible Regular, Overtime, Double time, Overtime Before Shift, and Double time Before Shift hours. When hours on a shift day exceed authorized hours, an exception will be generated.
    Premium Code
    Specify shift premium codes as appropriate for each day. During the payroll process, premium hours will be added to hours that occur on shift days configured to pay a premium.
  7. On the Auto Clock Out tab, in the Auto Clock Out field, select the time for the automatic clocking out of the employees. At the selected time the employee are clocked out using the scheduled shift end time as the transaction time:
    • None: Employees will not be automatically clocked out.
    • At Midnight: Employees will be automatically clocked out at midnight.
    • At Logical Midnight: Employees will be clocked out at logical midnight.
    • After Shift: Employees are clocked out at a specified time after the shift ends. If you select this value, in the Hours After Shift(HHMM) field, specify how much time must pass after the shift ends before employees are automatically clocked out.
  8. Click Save.