Viewing Absence Details

To view absence details for an employee:

  1. Open the Employee Absence Tracking form.
  2. Specify your employee number and the tracking year. Optionally, select Include Accruals to display accrual transaction history. This information is displayed in the top grid for each absence code:
    Time Off Group Id
    Displays the time off group for the selected tracking year.
    Absence Code
    The absence code is displayed.
    Absence Tracking Method
    Select Deduction or Accrual.
    Note: The new location of absence tracking method field allows groups with absence codes to have multiple tracking methods.
    Hours Taken
    The number of hours taken during the specified tracking year.
    Accrued Hours
    Total number of hours accrued during the specified tracking year.
    Available Hours
    The number of hours available to take are displayed.
    Annual Hours Allowed
    The number of hours that can be accrued in a year is displayed.
    Current Hours
    The number of hours taken during the current period.
    Planned Hours
    The number of hours that have been approved.
    Carried Forward
    The number of hours that can be carried into the next year is displayed.
    Hours Requested
    The number of requested hours that have not yet been approved.
    Accrual Value
    This field is only displayed if the tracking method is Accrual. The number of hours accrued after each increment is displayed.
    Increment Type
    This field is only displayed if the tracking method is Accrual. The frequency at which hours are accrued is displayed.
  3. This information is displayed in the bottom grid for each absence code:
    Report Date
    Displays the report date. If the report date occurs on a date that a tracking year does not exist, the Supervisor or Administrator receive a soft prompt when they attempt to authorize an X or process hours for the report date the incident occurred on. The No Tracking Year Defined for the Attendance Point System message is displayed.
    Tracking Year
    Displays the tracking year. The tracking year measurement period compares the incident report date with the records in the emp_time_off_group_change table.
    Absence Code
    Displays the absence code that is used for tracking.
    Hours Taken
    The number of hours taken during the specified tracking year.
    Incident Type
    Displays the type of incident. The values for the field are: Exception Incident Full, Exception Incident Partial, ABS Incident Full, ABS Incident Partial, NoCallNoShow.
    Displays the multiple disciplinary tracks that can be configured for specific types of incidents. When more than one track has been defined this field will display the level of the default track.
    Incident Value
    ABS Code Configuration form helps to define the incident value of ABS Code. An Attendance Points System tab and an Attendance Threshold tab is added to the Employee Type form to configure incident values for attendance exceptions.
    Corrective Action
    Displays the future action for the incident.
    The administrator or supervisor who approves the incident type.
    Disposition Date/ Time
    The date and time when the incident rearranged or update.
    Processed By
    The login details of the person who processes the hours approve for the incident.
    Processed Date/Time
    The date and time when the incident is processed.
    The status of the incident. The values are: Open, Complete or Forgiven
  4. Click Save.