Configuring Temporary Schedule Changes

Schedule changes are made on the Schedule Change form. A schedule change may consist of a move to a completely different shift, a change to the scheduled start or end time or a combination of both. For future schedule changes, the Hours Summary and Hours Detail forms display the temporary shift as the scheduled shift. Retroactive shift changes update the scheduled start and end times, then re-apply the clock in rules.

Note: If a retroactive change puts the punches in-line with the start and end times for the new shift, punches that were in exception may no longer be in exception.

The Schedule Change form is a linked form, and must be opened from either the Hours Summary form, where you can perform bulk or individual schedule changes, or the Hours Detail form, where you can perform individual schedule changes only. Additionally, temporary schedule changes for future dates may only be performed from the Hours Summary form, whereas retroactive schedule changes may be performed from either the Hours Summary form or the Hours Detail form.

Note: Shift changes may not be done while the employee is clocked in.  They must either be performed for a date with no clock in, or for a date with both a clock in and clock out.  
  1. Open the Hours Summary form or the Hours Detail form.
  2. On the Hours Summary form, populate the grid and select the record(s) for which you will be creating a temporary schedule change. On the Hours Detail form, select a single employee record.
  3. Select the Schedule Change icon in the toolbar. The Schedule Change form opens.

    If you navigated from the Hours Summary form, the employee field does not display.

    If you navigated from the Hours Detail form, the employee number displays and is read-only.

  4. Specify the shift to which the selected employee(s) will be temporarily moved.
  5. Specify a new start and end time, if necessary.
  6. Click Submit.