Starting Jobs
When using the Time Track module, you can start jobs, projects, or tasks using the Dashboard Transactions form.
To start jobs using the Warehouse Mobility module, see Using Warehouse Mobility on a Mobile Scanner.
Employees who are workset eligible add multiple jobs to a workset, then start the entire workset. If you attempt to start a workset before jobs have been added, an error displays. Employees who are not workset eligible start a single job. There are six types of jobs that can be started:
- Assembly
- Indirect
- PCS Project
- Project
- Service
- Work/Depot
Note: You also can perform these transactions on a remote scanner device
using the Job Booking transaction. See
Starting Jobs Using Time Track and Warehouse Mobility for
instructions on using the Job Booking transaction.
See Starting Jobs for Non-workset Eligible Employees or for Machines.
See Starting Worksets for Workset Eligible Employees.
See Using Stop-Start on the Realtime Transaction Entry (Touch Screen Form)